at the river


at the river

29 Feb 2008 12 2 3236
Genlis , near Dijon 2006, Shuang, Yashica A and tripod. Ilford FP4, iso 100, f/5.6 and 1/100 sec. Look at the trees, this lens has such a funny rounding bokeh .

at the terrace

04 Mar 2008 3 3 2808
France near Dijon, 2006, Shuang, Yashica A . Ilford FP4, iso 100, f/5.6 and 1/100 sec.


30 Jul 2008 20 7 2733
portrait of my uncle Louis. © Nils Andriessen 2008. Do not use or republish this photo, or any other photo on my Ipernity pages, without my written permission.

Felicia 1

17 Aug 2008 4 3 1436
We had a very nice shoot with Felicia today. More to come. (D70 with MF Nikkor 105mm f/2.5 1/250sec at f/4).


07 Sep 2008 59 10 4720
Still in the centre. 80mm at f/2.8, what a lovely lens :-)


22 Oct 2008 1 2 1288
Good friend and pretty lady, composer Sinta Wullur . D70 1/30, Nikkor MF85mm f/2 @ f/4 (photo © nils andriessen 2008, do not use without my permission).

coffee company

03 Nov 2008 2 1395
This girl was having an internet meeting. Floating webcams on her screen. You can see the headphone. shot with permission. :-) (photo © nils andriessen 2008, do not use without my permission)


12 Jun 2009 9 8 1766
My daughter Maïsha, on my 50t birthday. Nikkor 85mm f/2.


18 Jun 2009 2 3 1234
Felicia , second shoot. Most is 120 film, some D200. Have to be patient . . . Shot at Schaep en Burgh. D200, Sigma 10~20mm.


29 Jun 2009 1482
A bit shaky. 150mm f/5.6 with 1/15 and monopod.


09 Jul 2009 21 11 2945
A super model, a wonderful lens and a very nice film. What more can you ask for. And all this at the same time! 500C, Sonnar 150mm, Shanghai GP3 .


09 Aug 2009 7 3 1897
My favourite model, favourite camera and lens, and my favourite film. (Hasselblad 500C, Sonnar 150mm, Fuji Pro 160C).

Le chat noir

14 Apr 2008 2 1 1291
An oldie, April 8, 2008. Shuang with some tasty white beer in Naarden. Yashica-A, GP3.