Nightmare on Elm Street


Folder: Massachusetts
My town of Northampton, Massachusetts (including the villages of Leeds, Florence and Bay State).

Nightmare on Elm Street

28 Oct 2017 2 185
Northampton, MA


28 Oct 2017 1 220
Bridge Street Cemetery, Northampton, MA

TOMB 1849

28 Oct 2017 1 2 195
Bridge Street Cemetery, Northampton, MA


28 Oct 2017 214
Bridge Street, Northampton, MA

< 5th Tee

15 Oct 2017 193
4th green, Northampton Country Club, Leeds, MA. This month's assignment for my photo group is "Sports." I struggled with it.


15 Oct 2017 184
4th green, Northampton Country Club, Leeds, MA. This month's assignment for my photo group is "Sports." I struggled with it.

Wave Sport

07 Oct 2017 180
Orange kayak. Indoor track and tennis facility, Smith College, Northampton, MA. This month's assignment for my photo group is "Sports." I struggled with it.


07 Oct 2017 171
Tennis ball chucker machine. Indoor track and tennis facility, Smith College, Northampton, MA. This month's assignment for my photo group is "Sports." I struggled with it.

IMG 3766-001-Edited

10 Jun 2017 196
Ghostsign, Market Street, Northampton, MA

Gallery Window on Arts Night Out

09 Jun 2017 232
A.P.E. Gallery, Main Street, Northampton, MA


14 May 2017 220
Masonic Street parking lot, Northampton, MA.

Happiness Is The Goal

14 May 2017 1 201
In front of Guild Art on Main Street, Northampton, MA.

Pedestrian Square Dance

14 May 2017 197
Main Street intersection with King and Pleasant streets, Northampton MA, where pedestrians cross in every direction when they hear the cuckoo bird.

Belly Rub

14 May 2017 208
Main Street, Northampton, MA


29 Apr 2017 7 6 459
Pearl Street, Northampton, MA

It Came from the Suher

22 Apr 2017 1 236
Commentary on Eric Suher, notorious for owning much of Northampton's vacant commercial property, which is deteriorating from neglect. Masonic Street, Northampton, MA.

Mossy Hand

15 Apr 2017 1 1 192
St Mary's Cemetery, Bridge Road, Northampton, Massachusetts.


15 Apr 2017 1 243
St Mary's Cemetery, Bridge Road, Northampton, Massachusetts.

802 items in total