Making Plans: Suggestions Please!

London 2007

Folder: Great Britain
October 19-27, 2007. Included are pix of the Henry Moore exhibit at Kew Gardens, our East London ramble in search of graffiti and street art, Bloomsbury, Kensington, the City and Southwark. Pix from my daytrip to Winchester are in a separate set.

Making Plans: Suggestions Please!

19 Aug 2007 237
I've got some general ideas for areas I want to explore -- places I haven't been (Kensington, Clerkenwell, Lambeth, Kensal Green Cemetery) and I want to walk around the City again with a better eye for what I'll be seeing. I haven't decided on a day trip -- maybe Leeds, Hever or Dover Castle, or Rochester for the cathedral and castle, or Rye or Winchester. Any ideas and suggestions are most welcome. Cheers!

Planning London

30 Sep 2007 212
My spreadsheet of things I want to see is now 5 pages long.

Deep Level Air Raid Shelter

19 Oct 2007 260
This is where the 168 bus, which I rode often, stops in Belsize Park. For a brief few days last spring there was a Banksy stencil on the side of the shelter. Spooner's house is 2 blocks away (and about as attractive as this bunker). See where this picture was taken. [?]

Hardy Tree

19 Oct 2007 1 287
In St Pancras Churchyard. I met up with Yersinia here for a wander down the Euston Rd. See where this picture was taken. [?]

Hardy Tree Sign

19 Oct 2007 266
How it came to be. St Pancras Churchyard. See where this picture was taken. [?]

St Pancras Station

19 Oct 2007 274
Starting Nov 14, 2007, international rail service is from St Pancras station instead of Waterloo. I've never been to the continent -- something for the next visit. I definitely want to see the inside of the station -- the shiny new parts and all the restored over-the-top Victorian bits. See where this picture was taken. [?]

Old & New

19 Oct 2007 216
St Pancras Station looms above the British Library. Euston Road on arrival day with Yersinia. See where this picture was taken. [?]

British Library

19 Oct 2007 276
In front of the British Library on Euston Road. See where this picture was taken. [?]

Book Bench

19 Oct 2007 259
Sculptural bench at the British Library. It's called "Sitting on History" and the sculptor is Bill Woodrow. I saw a number of his sculptures in the Great Hall in Winchester. Here's a nice shot of the whole bench in JudyGr's photostream: See where this picture was taken. [?]

Gormley Twins

20 Oct 2007 271
Reflection by Antony Gormley. Two sculptures on either side of the glass, British Land Co., Euston Road. On the left, you can see both the sculpture behind the glass and a bit of the reflection of the one on the right superimposed over it (they aren't quite identical). Cool, huh? See where this picture was taken. [?]


20 Oct 2007 266
In St George's Gardens, Bloomsbury. St George's Gardens were the first burial ground in London not to be sited next to its church. The Gardens make up the sites of two former burial grounds, those of St George the Martyr of Holborn and St George’s Bloomsbury of Camden. Burials here date to the early 18th century. See where this picture was taken. [?]


20 Oct 2007 224
Ubiquitous sight in London. This one was glowing in the late afternoon sun. See where this picture was taken. [?]

Sidmouth Street WC1

20 Oct 2007 398
A long-overdue upload of street signs to the London Street Names group. See where this picture was taken. [?]

Cures Wounds & Sores

20 Oct 2007 1 1 388
Ghost sign, Sidmouth Street. See where this picture was taken. [?]

The cure for gastrits

20 Oct 2007 373
Originally posted to Guess Where London group. Woburn Walk, Bloomsbury [?]

The Railway, Kew Gardens Station

31 Oct 2007 160
Originally posted to Guess Where London group. See where this picture was taken. [?]

Table for Two

20 Oct 2007 232
Café near Kew station. See where this picture was taken. [?]

Moore at Kew 1

20 Oct 2007 235
Reclining Figure: Angles. Henry Moore sculpture exhibit at Kew Gardens. See where this picture was taken. [?]

139 items in total