Taking the Train to Liverpool

Liverpool 2010

Folder: Great Britain
Spooner and I spent 48 hours in Liverpool, October 2010.

I lost the map and the spreadsheet, but we still found everything we wanted to see and had a fab time.

Taking the Train to Liverpool

10 Oct 2010 185
Three hour milk run from Euston on Sunday morning.

The Key to Making Great Art ...

10 Oct 2010 201
... is all in the composition. Old Banksy piece (just the lettering), possibly from 2004 or 2005, with some more recent additions (the purple stuff).

Wonky Reflection 1675

10 Oct 2010 4 4 278
Reflection of the Central Hotel in Ranelagh Street. Probably not really built in 1675. Joseph Sharples in his book 'Liverpool' says: "The Central Hotel bears the date 1675, for which there seems no justification, though its origins go back further than 1887, the other date on the facade. Probably converted from pub to hotel in response to the opening of Central Station."

Please Ring Bell

10 Oct 2010 193
Graffiti in the Ropewalks district.

Saturday Night Bottle

10 Oct 2010 1 208
Empty and shining in the Sunday afternoon sun. I love the worn steps of this old warehouse. Look how the middle one has been patched to make it level again.

Are You Happy?

10 Oct 2010 154
This is something from the 2008 Biennial's 'Visible Virals' project. Various questions were painted on buildings, and responses collected on a website. Unfortunately, the website is now down, so I can't tell you the results of the survey.

Georgian Warehouses

10 Oct 2010 181
Just off Wolstenholme Square in the Ropewalks District. There are still tons of warehouses in the area, though they are no longer used for goods coming from or going to the docks. In the 18th century, the various suppliers to the shipbuilding industry were based here, including rope makers. The rope was measured by "walking" it down the narrow streets here, with different streets for the different lengths to which the rope was cut.

Wacky Sculpture

10 Oct 2010 1 1 222
Penelope by Jorge Pardo. Spooner quite enjoyed this -- he took about 30 photos of it. It's supposed to have something to do with Ulysses' wife Penelope's weaving, and the stems are also representative of the rope making industry that used to be here. www.liverpoolmonuments.co.uk/sculpture/penelope.html

Wolstenholme Square Reflected

10 Oct 2010 173
The sculpture is Penelope by Jorge Pardo, created for the 2006 Biennial. www.liverpoolmonuments.co.uk/sculpture/penelope.html

Wolstenholm Creative Space

10 Oct 2010 153
I'm not sure what inspired the creative types to attach plastic sheet protectors to the building. It looks like the building has scales.

Do You Like Your Neighbours?

10 Oct 2010 173
A work from the 2008 Biennial ('Visible Virals' project) on the left and one from the 2010 Biennial (Bridging Home by Do Ho Suh) on the right.

Bridging Home

10 Oct 2010 197
Scale model of the artist Do Ho Suh's own Korean house from his childhood, wedged between two buildings on Duke Street. It has to do with lack of personal space in urban environments, and also with the bridging/melding of two cultures.

Wicked Party

10 Oct 2010 167
Derelict building in Duke Street.

The Whitehouse

10 Oct 2010 242
Disused and derelict, with trees growing out of it. This is the Duke Street side of the pub. The red is the Banksy rat's lipstick or marker line.

Another Wonky Window

10 Oct 2010 230
A warehouse in Duke Street, reflecting buildings across the Berry Street junction.

I Lost the Game

10 Oct 2010 187
Creature with broken horn by Doubtpacks. Additions by anonymous. Nice to see the proper use of "you're."

Banksy Rat 1

10 Oct 2010 182
On the derelict Whitehouse Pub, Berry & Duke Streets.

Banksy Rat 2

10 Oct 2010 189
On the derelict Whitehouse Pub, Berry Street. I didn't realize until I saw this photo on my computer that the rat has a tube of lipstick or a marker in its hand.

69 items in total