London 2010

Folder: Great Britain

Another Day

13 Oct 2010 192
Not in your day, not in my day. by Birdseed? Along the Regent's Canal, near Mare Street. See where this picture was taken.

Mighty Mo & Sweet Toof (again)

13 Oct 2010 147
Along the Regent's Canal, near Mare Street. See where this picture was taken.

The Early Bird

13 Oct 2010 179
Along the Regent's Canal, somewhere east of Mare Street. See where this picture was taken.

Roa & Sweet Toof

13 Oct 2010 189
Along the Regent's Canal, somewhere east of Mare Street. See where this picture was taken.

Calm down, what happens happens mostly without you

13 Oct 2010 170
Along the Regent's Canal, somewhere east of Mare Street. See where this picture was taken.

Spray Painter Dude

13 Oct 2010 187
Along the Regent's Canal, somewhere east of Mare Street. See where this picture was taken.

Sweet Toof Canal Rat

13 Oct 2010 212
Along the Regent's Canal, somewhere east of Mare Street. See where this picture was taken.

Tropical Retreat

13 Oct 2010 148
Along the Regent's Canal, somewhere near Mile End Park. It looks like a tropical isle in the city. See where this picture was taken.


13 Oct 2010 193
On top of a canal boat, along the Regent's Canal, somewhere near Victoria Park. See where this picture was taken.

Harlequin Canalboat

13 Oct 2010 136
Along the Regent's Canal, somewhere near Victoria Park. See where this picture was taken.

Wonky Threesome

13 Oct 2010 184
East Smithfield. Heron Tower on the left, the Gherkin in the middle, and Tower 24 (Nat West Tower) on the right. The old building in the foreground is Rotherwick House. The newer, glass building is Thomas More Square. See where this picture was taken.

Office Rage

13 Oct 2010 228
Banksy stencil, in The Highway. It had only been there a couple of days when I took this photo. See where this picture was taken.


14 Oct 2010 247
Originally posted to Guess Where London group. See where this picture was taken.

Busy Bees

14 Oct 2010 182
Mosaic at the Calthorpe Project, Gray's Inn Road. See where this picture was taken.

Tilting Tomb

14 Oct 2010 197
I was surprised to see a cactus (and such a large one) in central London. St Andrew's Gardens, Gray's Inn Road. See where this picture was taken.

Thomas Coram

14 Oct 2010 185
Founder of the Foundling Hospital, the first home in London for abandoned children. See where this picture was taken.

Threads of Feeling

14 Oct 2010 282
Installation in the stairwell, made in conjunction with the exhibition Threads of Feeling at the Foundling Museum. All the ribbons came from V V Rouleaux, the ribbon shop in Marylebone. About the exhibition: "Threads of Feeling will showcase fabrics never shown before to illustrate the moment of parting as mothers left their babies at the original Foundling Hospital, which continues today as the children’s charity Coram. "In the cases of more than 4,000 babies left between 1741 and 1760, a small object or token, usually a piece of fabric, was kept as an identifying record. The fabric was either provided by the mother or cut from the child’s clothing by the hospital's nurses. Attached to registration forms and bound up into ledgers, these pieces of fabric form the largest collection of everyday textiles surviving in Britain from the 18th Century." See where this picture was taken.

Camille Silvy

14 Oct 2010 204
This was a really interesting exhibition. I hadn't thought of street photography as being something dating back to the 19th century. He also did portrait photography, but I thought the images of the streets were much more compelling. He also did a lot of manipulation of the images, e.g. using several different negatives to form one image -- sort of like PhotoShop layers, 100 years before PS. See where this picture was taken.

189 items in total