IMG 7308-001-Mask Making

Lockdown 2020

Governor Baker declared a state of emergency in Massachusetts on March 10 and the City of Northampton began a stay at home order on March 18. I've been sticking close to home since March 15. These are photos of some of my activities and sights from my daily walks around the neighborhood.

02 May 2020

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227 visits

IMG 7308-001-Mask Making

During the coronavirus lockdown, I've turned my guestroom into a sweatshop and am sewing masks on my ancient Singer.

05 May 2020

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226 visits

IMG 7309-001-Masks for My Mates

During the coronavirus lockdown, I've turned my guestroom into a sweatshop and am sewing masks on my ancient Singer. This batch of masks went to two of my friends in the UK for themselves and family members.

18 May 2020

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IMG 7315-001-Lockdown Supplies

Essentials for the lockdown. I should be good come hell or high water.

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18 May 2020

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IMG 7328-001-In It Together

Handpainted sign on Chesterfield Road, Leeds.

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18 May 2020

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IMG 7335-001-Support & Comfort

Sign and stuffed toys on Chesterfield Road, Leeds.

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18 Apr 2020

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IMG 20200418 134229045 HDR-001-Fruit & Veg Delivery

During the lockdown, I've been getting organic fruit and veg from Misfits Market. I never know what will be in the box -- it's been fun to unpack it and figure out what I'll make with the contents.

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04 Apr 2020

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IMG 20200404 140820825-001-Social Distancing for Cars

Seen at the Transfer Station & Recycling Center in Florence, Massachusetts, during the coronavirus lockdown.

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05 Apr 2020

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IMG 20200405 142523673-001-Essentially Open

Seen on River Road in Leeds, Massachusetts, on my daily walk around the neighborhood during the coronavirus lockdown. David's Auto remains open as an essential business.

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06 Apr 2020

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IMG 7287-001-Not Following Instructions

Seen in Florence, Massachusetts, on my daily walk around the neighborhood during the coronavirus lockdown. Idiots playing golf on the soccer pitch.
15 items in total