IMG 6910-001-Margate Welcomes You

Margate 2019

Folder: Great Britain
I took the train down to Margate for the day in order to see the Turner Prize exhibition at the Turner Contemporary. I walked along the beach and wandered through the lanes of the old town. The sky was very atmospheric -- it went from blue and sunny to dark and gloomy during the course of the day. I can see why Turner loved to paint here.
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IMG 6910-001-Margate Welcomes You

30 Sep 2019 1 171
Dreamland welcomes you, too.

IMG 6913-001-Watching the Coast

30 Sep 2019 1 1 180
Lifeboatman statue, Nayland Rock.

IMG 6777-001-Twisted Pillar Box

30 Sep 2019 5 5 343
All Saints' Avenue, Margate. Made by artist Alex Chinneck, twisted pillar boxes (called Alphabetti Spaghetti) appeared in several locations in the UK on September 26, just four days before my visit to Margate. I would have missed it except that a nice woman saw me taking photos, asked "Have you seen our pillar box?" and pointed it out to me.

IMG 6765-001-Nayland Rock Shelter 1

IMG 6766-001-T. S. Eliot Plaque

30 Sep 2019 176
Nayland Rock Shelter, Margate

IMG 6767-001-T. S. Eliot Sat Here

30 Sep 2019 159
He wrote part of The Waste Land here in Margate.

IMG 6769-001-Fishy Lamp Post

30 Sep 2019 1 3 172
Along Marine Terrace. Turner Contemporary is the modern building in the distance.

IMG 6780-001-Sea Shed

30 Sep 2019 1 160
At the Sea Shed, the only ones having lunch were the gulls and me.

IMG 6782-001-Sea Shed 2

30 Sep 2019 1 169
At the Sea Shed, the only ones having lunch were the gulls and me.

IMG 6784-001-Gull

30 Sep 2019 1 153
At the Sea Shed, the only ones having lunch were the gulls and me.

IMG 6786-001-Gull 2

30 Sep 2019 1 183
At the Sea Shed, the only ones having lunch were the gulls and me.

IMG 6788-001-Footprints

30 Sep 2019 2 189
And the only footprints were the gulls' and mine.

IMG 6798-001-Dreamland & Sea Shed

30 Sep 2019 174
Looking up from the beach.

IMG 6772-001-Dreamland

30 Sep 2019 1 161
Amusement park, arcade, dance hall, Margate landmark.

IMG 6816-001-Bathing Machine

30 Sep 2019 1 189
There's a sauna inside.

IMG 6818-001-Clock Tower & Flamingo

30 Sep 2019 1 1 188
Marine Drive, Margate

IMG 6823-001-Disused Primark

30 Sep 2019 132
Art deco building in a prime location along Marine Drive. StreetView shows it still open in 2014 but closed by 2015.

IMG 6892-001-Disused Primark Another View

30 Sep 2019 151
The High Street facade of the disused Primark. I'll be interested to come back in five years to see what's become of this. Luxury flats with views of Margate Bay?

54 items in total