Michael-K's photos

Yes We Care

Cosiderate Constructors Secure Everyone's Safety

22 Jun 2017 1 109
Taken in the shadow of Grenfell Tower, a poster attempting to improve the image of construction is covered in photographs of people who all died in the tragedy. The Tory council selected a company called Rydon to cut the cost of renovating the tower, but they covered the building with combustible cladding which caught fire on 14 June 2017, killing 72 people. How considerate.

Don't Let the Racists Divide Us

London Remains

No More Excuses

David Cameron (Allegedly)

04 Oct 2015 1 161
Piggate: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piggate

Don't Fence Me In

17.4 Million Ignored

Steven Bray

13 May 2019 4 98
A familiar face and voice to people in the UK. Steven Bray can be seen and heard in the background of many TV reports from Westminster with his signature cry of "Stop Brexit"

Coming or Going?

No Longer Victorian Britain


13 May 2019 5 2 108
Doddershall Woods

Burn Hill Barrow

13 May 2019 2 53
Eythrope, Buckinghamshire

Extinction Rebellion

13 May 2019 4 1 79
Greta Thunberg at Marble Arch 21.04.2019

1538 photos in total