

05 Sep 2021

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Three weeks ago my daughter brought me an old Pentacon 4/200 M42 lens and I decided to test it only today with a digital camera for starters. I went out into my garden and immediately found out again that manual focusing became harder for me than I expected. I was trying to get in terms with it when I spotted my dog laying inconspicuously in shadows (as usually she wanted to observe me while avoiding to be photographed). I clicked the shutter trigger obviously misfocusing a bit but when I was trying to adjust the focus she realized what I was doing and looked at me with much distaste - a moment later she was gone and that was it :/ - - - - - Samsung NX10 + Pentacon 4/200

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09 Sep 2018

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446 visits


I am testing an old Russian (Soviet) MTO 500mm f/8 mirror tele lens (borrowed from a friend). Yesterday I tried to use it with my digital Samsung NX10 body again, using a tripod this time. To keep the gear steady I had to tighten mounting screws so much, that I could not lower the lens in time to get the full reflection of the duck in the frame. The duck appeared so suddenly... ----- Samsung NX10 + MTO 500mm f/8 + SilverEfex

30 Aug 2018

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359 visits


I am testing an old Russian (Soviet) MTO 500mm f/8 mirror tele lens (borrowed from a friend). It is heavy, its minimal focusing distance is 4 meters... Today I mounted the lens onto a Samsung NX10 body (or maybe I should say that I attached my tiny NX10 to the monster lens) and took some shots just to see the donut-shaped bokeh in colors. Funny but almost impossible to focus when hand-held. Of course I am going to use a tripod next time. ----- Samsung NX10 + MTO 500mm f/8

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05 Aug 2018

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396 visits


I am testing an old Russian (Soviet) MTO 500mm f/8 mirror tele lens (borrowed from a friend). It is a close-up taken from the lens minimal focusing distance: 4 meters. Correction: I was standing more than 4 meters from the orchestra. Still it is a close-up on the lens terms ;) What you see in the background is donut-shaped bokeh typical for mirror lenses. ----- Revueflex SD1 + MTO 500mm f/8 + Kodak T-Max 400 + Kodak HC-110 (Dil.B)

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05 Aug 2018

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351 visits


I am testing an old Russian (Soviet) MTO 500mm f/8 mirror tele lens (borrowed from a friend). What you see in the background is ring-shape bokeh typical for mirror lenses. OK, the big ellipses are tops of tubas raised up by orchestra men standing behind. ----- Revueflex SD1 + MTO 500mm f/8 + Kodak T-Max 400 + Kodak HC-110 (Dil.B)

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05 Aug 2018

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387 visits


I am testing an old Russian (Soviet) MTO 500mm f/8 mirror tele lens (borrowed from a friend). The ring-shaped bokeh (barely noticeable in the lower left corner of the frame) resulted in (almost) IR effect over twigs of trees in the background. ----- Revueflex SD1 + MTO 500mm f/8 + Kodak T-Max 400 + Kodak HC-110 (Dil.B)

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05 Aug 2018

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I am testing an old Russian (Soviet) MTO 500mm f/8 mirror tele lens (borrowed from a friend). The lens is not as sharp as I expected. But some frames are sharper then others ;) Almost no ring-shaped bokeh this time. Grass was too uniform to produce more effects. ----- Revueflex SD1 + MTO 500mm f/8 + Kodak T-Max 400 + Kodak HC-110 (Dil.B)

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01 Aug 2018

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570 visits

W-Hour in Sulejówek

I am testing an old Russian (Soviet) MTO 500mm f/8 mirror tele lens (borrowed from a friend). It appears to be a good choice for street portraits :) ----- Revueflex SD1 + MTO 500mm f/8 + Kodak T-Max 400 + Kodak HC-110 (Dil.B)

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01 Aug 2018

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364 visits


HFF and a nice weekend! ----- Revueflex SD1 + MTO 500mm f/8 + Kodak T-Max 400 + Kodak HC-110 (Dil.B) I am testing an old Russian (Soviet) MTO 500mm f/8 mirror tele lens (borrowed from a friend). What you see in the background, behind the fence, are white and red roses blurred by ring-shape bokeh typical for mirror lenses.
25 items in total