
Mamiya 645AF


25 Aug 2014 5 4 529
wickerwork in every shape and size :) ----- Mamiya 645 AF + Kodak Tri-X 400 + Kodak HC-110 (Dil.B)


25 Aug 2014 27 4 811
wickerwork in every shape and size :) ----- Mamiya 645 AF + Kodak Tri-X 400 + Kodak HC-110 (Dil.B)


25 Aug 2014 11 6 487
The archaeology by experiment quarter in the Biskupin museum consists of several buildings used for experimental breeding of Tarpan-like horses, Red Polish cattle, heath sheep and longhorn oats. ----- Mamiya 645 AF + Tri-X 400 + HC-110 (Dil.B)


25 Aug 2014 3 2 482
The archaeology by experiment quarter in the Biskupin museum consists of several buildings used for experimental breeding of Tarpan-like horses, Red Polish cattle, heath sheep and longhorn oats. ----- Mamiya 645 AF + Tri-X 400 + HC-110 (Dil.B)


25 Aug 2014 13 7 559
An Ancient Tale: When the Sun Was a God is a movie based on an 1876 novel, Stara baśń, by Józef Ignacy Kraszewski. It takes place in pre-Christian Poland, when various Slavic tribes living there worshipped their own deities. Some parts of the film were shot at the open air archeological museum in Biskupin. ----- Mamiya 645 AF + Tri-X 400 + HC-110 (Dil.B)


25 Aug 2014 13 568
An Ancient Tale: When the Sun Was a God is a movie based on an 1876 novel, Stara baśń, by Józef Ignacy Kraszewski. It takes place in pre-Christian Poland, when various Slavic tribes living there worshipped their own deities. Some parts of the film were shot at the open air archeological museum in Biskupin. ----- Mamiya 645 AF + Kodak Tri-X 400 + Kodak HC-110 (Dil.B)


25 Aug 2014 5 689
Archaeological Museum in Biskupin ----- Mamiya 645 AF + Kodak Tri-X 400 + HC-110 (Dil.B)


25 Aug 2014 3 399
Archaeological Museum in Biskupin ----- Mamiya 645 AF + Tri-X 400 + HC-110 (Dil.B)


25 Aug 2014 11 3 469
Archaeological Museum in Biskupin ----- Mamiya 645 AF + Tri-X 400 + HC-110 (Dil.B)


25 Aug 2014 12 2 499
The archaeological open air museum Biskupin is an archaeological site and a life-size model of a late Bronze Age fortified settlement in Poland. Dendrologists say that the original oak timber for building work was cut down between 747 and 722 BC, but over half of the trees were felled in the course of one winter, in the years 738/737 BC. ----- Mamiya 645 AF + Kodak Tri-X 400 + Kodak HC-110 (Dil.B)


25 Aug 2014 1 1 327
The archaeological open air museum Biskupin is an archaeological site and a life-size model of a late Bronze Age fortified settlement in Poland. ----- Mamiya 645 AF + Tri-X 400 + HC-110 (Dil.B)


25 Aug 2014 14 3 448
The archaeological open air museum Biskupin is an archaeological site and a life-size model of a late Bronze Age fortified settlement in Poland. ----- Mamiya 645 AF + Tri-X 400 + HC-110 (Dil.B)


25 Aug 2014 12 7 196
The archaeological open air museum Biskupin is an archaeological site and a life-size model of an Iron a late Bronze Age fortified settlement in Poland. The original settlement was built in the second half of the 8th century BCE (just around the time when Rome was founded). Dendrochronological studies of construction timber revealed that it was obtained in 747-722 BCE, most of which in the winter of 737 BCE. Ca. 100 oak and pine log-houses were of similar layout, measuring ca. 8 by 10 metres (26 by 33 feet) each. They consisted of two chambers and an open entrance-area. These houses were designed to accommodate 10–12 persons. An open hearth was located in the centre of the biggest room. There are no larger houses that could indicate social stratification. Because of the damp, boggy ground the streets were covered with wooden planks. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biskupin ----- Mamiya 645 AF + Kodak Tri-X 400 + Kodak HC-110 (Dil.B)


25 Aug 2014 8 3 450
The archaeological open air museum Biskupin is an archaeological site and a life-size model of a late Bronze Age fortified settlement in Poland. ----- Mamiya 645 AF + Tri-X 400 + HC-110 (Dil.B)


25 Aug 2014 4 1 410
----- Mamiya 645 AF + Tri-X 400 + HC-110 (Dil.B)


25 Aug 2014 6 397
Archaeological Museum in Biskupin ----- Mamiya 645 AF + Tri-X 400 + HC-110 (Dil.B)


25 Aug 2014 30 10 893
A neolithic settlement in Biskupin, north central Poland, is being reconstructed with the aid of EU funding. Here is a long house of the kind that existed 6000 years ago. ----- Mamiya 645 AF + Kodak Tri-X 400 + Kodak HC-110 (Dil.B)


25 Aug 2014 7 6 430
A neolithic settlement in Biskupin, north central Poland, is being reconstructed with the aid of EU funding. Here is a long house of the kind that existed 6000 years ago. ----- Mamiya 645 AF + Tri-X 400 + HC-110 (Dil.B)

542 items in total