My Beautiful Grandma

family album

My Beautiful Grandma

09 Mar 1933 22 22 202
I didn't know her as I was born many years after she'd died (on August 31, 1944 - during the Warsaw Uprising). But her sister-in-law / my great-aunt used to tell me that I had inherited her chin and her stubbornness.


16 Mar 1935 24 4 798
My biker family - photo taken 80 years ago by my Grandpa who was a biker and a hobbyist photographer. The second bike from the front was Polish Sokół (meaning Falcon) - coming from a brand of motorcycles manufactured in Poland before World War II for both civilian and military use. My Grandpa's bike was civilian, still had to be given away to the Polish Army in the summer 1939, when they mobilized people and gear for World War II. ----- Kodak 6x9


16 Mar 1935 8 613
My biker family - photo taken 80 years ago by my Grandpa who was a biker and a hobbyist photographer. ----- Kodak 6x9


31 Jul 1935 16 4 655
My biker family - photo taken 80 years ago by my Grandpa who was a biker and a hobbyist photographer. The little girl standing by the BSA motorcycle is now my Mom :) ----- Kodak 6x9


31 Aug 1966 20 7 230
My SuperMom in 1966 --- I didn't take this photo. It is a scan of a print given to my Mom by a reporter in August 1966. Unfortunately he didn't signed it for her, so I do not know his name. The photo was used to illustrate an article on Polish pharmaceutical industry published in Express Wieczorny, very popular afternoon daily journal of the those days. My Mom was the Chef Designer of many new productions lines for antibiotics, vaccines and other modern products of Polfa (Polish Pharmaceutical Companies). This photo shows a snapshot of a designing process - with building blocks representing tanks, centrifuges, pumps and filters (and many other pieces of equipment that I'm not even trying to name now). That's how those things were done before CAD. Oh well... times have changed, right?

it was a happy day

16 May 1972 7 3 535
Taken circa 1972 ----- Certo Six + ORWO Chrom


15 Oct 1972 3 611
The Town Hall of Zamość, built at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries. Zamość is a unique example of a Renaissance town in Central Europe, consistently designed and built in accordance with the Italian theories of the "ideal town," on the basis of a plan which was the result of perfect cooperation between the open-minded founder, Jan Zamoyski, and the outstanding architect, Bernardo Morando. ----- WZFO Start Euktar lens (triplet anastigmat) photo taken some time in 1972


15 Oct 1972 7 2 749
The Town Hall of Zamość, built at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries. Zamość is a unique example of a Renaissance town in Central Europe, consistently designed and built in accordance with the Italian theories of the "ideal town," on the basis of a plan which was the result of perfect cooperation between the open-minded founder, Jan Zamoyski, and the outstanding architect, Bernardo Morando. ----- WZFO Start Euktar lens (triplet anastigmat) photo taken some time in 1972 and another one, taken 36 years later:


01 Apr 1973 6 922
my Dad (sometime in 1970-75) he hasn't changed a lot, has he? ----- WZFO Start Euktar lens (triplet anastigmat)

the Cheshire Cat

01 Mar 1975 9 8 1202
Her feline spirit went to the feline happy hunting grounds many years ago, but from time to time she visits our old flat and leaves there her shadow and smile. ----- WZFO Start Euktar lens (triplet anastigmat) OK, I know - it is overexposed and in poor condition (30 years made the negative almost unusable), but it is exactly how she looks when she checks upon us ;)


01 Apr 1975 25 5 757
Feb. 17 is National Cat-Day in Poland! ----- WZFO Start


01 Apr 1975 16 7 1658
long gone, but unforgettable ----- WZFO Start


01 Apr 1975 7 2 612
long gone, but unforgettable ----- WZFO Start


10 Aug 1986 13 4 438
Taken circa 1986 ----- Certo Six + ORWO Color I could have corrected the colors digitally, but... that's how poorly processed color negatives tend to look after 30+ years ;) Oh, well... press [z], please! so it seems a bit sharper.


18 Sep 2004 34 15 1029
once upon a time... ----- Olympus C8080WZ


24 Dec 2004 24 23 332
... and think of all the stories that we could have told ... ----- Olympus C-8080WZ It is Mother's Day today in Poland. This shot was taken 15 years ago. I'll try to convince her to take another one today. There is one problem: because of COVID-19 restrictions she hasn't have her hair cut and done since February and she doesn't want to be remembered like that.

golden girl

03 Jul 2005 29 21 293
----- Olympus C-8080WZ

golden girl

03 Jul 2005 16 18 186
----- Olympus C-8080WZ

110 items in total