
Asus Zenfone


02 Sep 2022 15 14 157
Calluna vulgaris 'Alicia' I took this shot today in a local grocery / convenience store. I felt tempted to buy a pot with lovely white little flowers but I knew that I couldn't bring them home. You see, ever since I was a little kid I was told by my Mom that heather was bad luck. She learned it in September 1939 when she was ten years old. Summer 1939 was beautiful. Hot and sunny. Heather thrived. My grandparents house was full of heather. All shades of pink and purple. Then on September 1, 1939 the Second World War begun. My Grandma threw away all flowers and banned all those that were there from being brought back ever. I think that the cultivar that was on sale today is named 'Alicia'. My Mom's name is Alicja / Alice too. ----- Asus Zenfone

My Private Jungle

25 Aug 2022 15 8 178
Heatwave, drought... Everybody around is complaining. My neighbors try to save their gardens and they fail. I am not. I didn't water my garden even once this year. You see, in several past years my neighbors raised their properties areas and that why I am flooded every time when heavy rains come. Their water (and fertilizers) come down to my garden. Plants in my private jungle are thriving now. Revenge is so sweet! ----- Asus Zenfone

United Colors of Foundation

10 Aug 2022 7 13 159
One of my bookshelves. This is for HaarFager He'll know why when/if he sees this shot. ----- Asus Zenfone


23 Jul 2022 16 18 183
crazy orange daylilies are back! ----- Asus Zenfone

one minute of silence

01 Aug 2022 9 4 158
This year we commemorate the 78th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising . Join the Poles today on August 1 at 5 PM CET/11 AM ET for one minute of silence—symbolizing the W-Hour , the codename for the date and time that began Operation Tempest in German-occupied Warsaw, and hence the Warsaw Uprising. For many years it was my Dad who used to put the flag there on every August 1. Since he had passed it became my duty to do it. The flag will be there till October 2. That's how long the Uprising lasted. Excerpt from a German report: "The 9th Army has crushed the final resistance in the southern Vistula circle. The resistance fought to the very last bullet. " ----- Asus Zenfone and Silver Efex Pro 2


24 Jul 2022 14 12 170
My Mom's lilies started to fade. ----- Asus Zenfone


23 Jul 2022 17 13 176
My Mom's favorite yellow lilies are blooming just now. Unfortunately Mom cannot see them in person - she is too weak to leave her floor, go downstairs and out into the garden. So I'll be taking photos of these beauties and showing them to her. ----- Asus Zenfone


20 Jul 2022 21 7 175
Happy Name Day, Dad! I brought you some flowers again. Do you like them? I know, i know... You'd liked them better it they were violet, right? But those white ones are from me, yellow ones are from Mum so bear with us this time. You'll get your favorite violet chrysanthemums next time, I promise. I miss you so much, Dad... ----- Asus Zenfone

squatter cat

07 Jul 2022 14 12 172
I found her squatting in my boiler room this afternoon. I wish I could let her stay. She is so gentle, so beautiful. But it would not be wise to introduce her to a pack of three guinea pigs and a dog ruling my house. - - - - - Asus Zenfone (very poor quality, sorry, but that's all what I could do)


03 Jul 2022 16 14 155
Now I'll wait for those magnolia seeds to open their red eyes :) ----- Asus Zenfone Red eyes:


10 May 2022 11 10 156
Ipernity is so colorful these days that I decided to add something crazy: floating tulips. Weird DoF but that's what my smartphone concocted :) ----- Asus Zenfone

Hi Dad! It's your day today!

23 Jun 2022 10 8 125
How are doing there, Dad? Is everything OK? You'd tell me if it wasn't, wouldn't you? I brought you fresh flowers. Do you like them? You'd tell me if you weren't, I know. ----- Asus Zenfone In Poland, Father's Day (in Polish: Dzień Ojca) is celebrated on June 23.


19 Jun 2022 16 13 154
Plants and flowers in my garden have such a surprisingly ability to survive harsh conditions and (eventually) my neglect. Those that I care for do not cooperate. Those that I stop to trim and feed reappear after a year or two and are calling: "look how beautiful we are without you!" ----- Asus Zenfone


20 May 2022 18 20 161
First single flower of my Dad's favorite plant (reborn from dryness). ----- Asus Zenfone For explanation click here:

rose by any other name

10 Jun 2022 19 19 177
I sometimes like them in B&W ----- Asus Zenfone and Silver Efex Pro 2 (digitally tinted just a bit)


10 May 2022 14 11 128
This evening I went to my garden to get some fresh grass for my (guinea-)piggies and I couldn't resist taking some shots of those apple tree flowers. ----- Asus Zenfone


26 Apr 2022 14 7 175
my Christmas cactus blooms in April (it takes all sorts...) ----- Asus Zenfone

Give Peace a Chance

16 Apr 2022 23 16 202
Holy Monday Bench with colors of Ukraine - - - - - Asus Zenfone (This shot was actually taken in our local church on Holy Saturday but if this Monday is also so sunny the bench will look just like that.)

43 items in total