Gravity is mercyless


Gravity is mercyless

Light diffusor for LED emitter

Bunch of Wire

Being shadowed

Fired round

Fired round

Short-term energy storage

IKEA LED bulb - broken inductor

Colours of autumn

11 Nov 2014 228
Beautiful colours, but way too cold, wet and dark.

Colours of autumn

11 Nov 2014 219
Beautiful colours, but way too cold, wet and dark.


Letter thingy

Retired chopping blade

15 Jun 2014 232
The ball bearing has had it and the nut was galled, hence it snapped off.


Brown goodness

04 Jul 2014 207
Instant comfort.

The perfect egg

07 Jun 2014 2 240
I liked it.

Everything tastes better wrapped in bacon

25 Feb 2014 286
Cooked ham wrapped in bacon, sprats wrapped in bacon.

50 items in total