Sticky stuff...

Per Pedes

27 Sep 2012

153 visits

Sticky stuff...

and it smells too! Consistency is much like Nutella (chocolate spread), but I surely wouldn't want to eat that. At least I hope my knee will like it.

27 Sep 2012

150 visits

Needs to be wrapped

This is what you have to deal with because mother nature didn't feel like giving you proper feet. Hearing grinding sounds coming from my knee doesn't make me a happy camper. We're NOT amused! --- Diagnosis (shortened): Bad news: 2nd to 3rd degree damage to the cartilage behind the kneecap + some sort of oedema + other minor stuff. Good news: No 'free particles' floating around and doing more damage.

14 May 2010

78 visits

Erosion of my footwear

After the blister on my left foot had gone, I discovered this 'crater' inside the shoe. I really do wear stuff until it disintegrates. What was there before, the hole or the blister? Always the same chicken and egg problem.

15 Mar 2011

108 visits

Beat this, Al Bundy!

Another irrelevant picture.

15 Mar 2011

111 visits

There, fixed it.

Another irrelevant picture.

05 Jan 2013

136 visits

Beat this Al Bundy!

As nice these leg-warmer-type stockings are, they don't last long in my presence.

07 May 2010

114 visits

Mother of a blister

I had my bike serviced. It took longer than expected and I had to walk 7km per day just to get to my office and back. Public transport is too expensive and getting parking spaces is fiction. It turns out they just 'forgot' to give me a call. When I finally got fed up with them and gave them a ring, I got the good news my bike had been ready for 'quite some time'. This blister made walking very enjoyable. As a matter of fact I was walking on water ;-)