boarduino back side

Miscellaneous Arduino Stuff

Folder: Electronics

23 Aug 2008

99 visits

boarduino back side

back side of my new boarduino. was a lot of fun soldering it.

23 Aug 2008

110 visits

boarduino front side

adafruit's boarduino. front side.

18 Dec 2008

82 visits

meggy jr rgb @

German media have finally seen the light. Geeks don't need no xboxes for xmas, but something that is fun while making it.

06 Jun 2009

124 visits

ModernDevice - BUB parts 1

BUB KIT + mini USB cable

06 Jun 2009

148 visits

ModernDevice - BUB parts 2

It comes with all the SMD components preassembled.

06 Jun 2009

132 visits

ModernDevice - BUB KIT

06 Jun 2009

151 visits

ModernDevice - BUB assembled

Just added the usual 6-pin header and the 3.3V/5V logic level selection jumper.