Behold - The Twiener

Misc Food

Folder: Food

31 Dec 2010

160 visits

Behold - The Twiener

It's cold outside, you're hungry and your cup of tea is way too hot? Just add a wiener! OM NOM NOM NOM

18 Apr 2011

141 visits


I think I'll have another one of those tomorrow.

18 Apr 2011

1 favorite

253 visits

Finally some fresh fruit

Today I found a special at my local supermarket. 1 reasonably sized tray of strawberries for just 99¢. Together with some tiramisu this was a perfect 'intermission'.

29 May 2011

195 visits


I had already written it off, but it seems to be getting enough light now.

06 Jun 2011

161 visits


18 Jun 2011

199 visits

Essence of Chicken

1 chicken 1 spoon of instant vegetable broth, salt, pepper 1 pressure cooker + 30 minutes of time

24 Feb 2012

141 visits

Improvised soup

Trying to avoid convenience food at all cost. Also purely analog!

30 Jul 2012

162 visits

Reminds me of 'Half Life'

I only played part 1. I've boycotted STEAM so far.

08 Oct 2012

188 visits


Roasting almonds and pumpkin seeds was a good idea. The fish was pretty bland.
31 items in total