8x8 RGB Matrix board V2 - 3D

Made with KiCad

Folder: Electronics
I use KiCad, a free and open-source printed circuit design package.

8x8 RGB Matrix board V2 - 3D

24 Feb 2009 301
I just did this for learning KICAD

8x8 RGB Matrix board V2 - layout

24 Feb 2009 351
This drives an 8x8 RGB matrix with PWM using Arduino code and DIP parts. Adding stacking headers will force me to switch to SMD parts in the end. I just did this for learning KICAD

8x8 RGB Matrix board V2 - schematic

25 Feb 2009 395
I just did this for learning KICAD

8x8 RGB Matrix board V3 - 3D

8x8 RGB Matrix board V3 - layout

27 Feb 2009 233
I've switched to using SMD components for the ICs and put the quartz and a 2nd switch + stacking headers back on. Seeedstudio will ship me 5 white PCBs. I've used their propaganda service for open source designs. So if you want one too, you'll be able to order it there once I've confirmed it actually works ;-)

8x8 RGB LED Matrix V3.00 - 2

31 Mar 2009 230
The first PCB version of it. REV 3.00

8x8 RGB LED Matrix V3.00 - 1

31 Mar 2009 248
The first PCB version of it. REV 3.00

8x8 RGB LED Matrix V3.00 - stack

31 Mar 2009 242
I got 6 :-)

8x8 RGB LED Matrix V3.00

01 Apr 2009 245
The ICSP header is already in place, now I'm doing my first ever SMD soldering. The ATmega168 comes in a TQFP32 package.

8x8 RGB LED Matrix V3.00

01 Apr 2009 288
Of course I got a few solder bridges. You can _never_ have too much flux! I intended to do it pin by pin, but ended up with a mixture of that and flood and suck.

8x8 RGB LED Matrix V3.00

01 Mar 2009 232
"What a mess!" BTW, when will Duke Nukem 4ever be released ?

8x8 RGB LED Matrix V3.00

01 Mar 2009 254
I just couldn't flash the bootloader with USBtinyISP. According to the datasheet the fuses should be set to internal oscillator, so it should have worked without the quartz, but it didn't! I thought I had fried the chip, but it just needed an external clock source

8x8 RGB LED Matrix V3.00

01 Mar 2009 303
Hooked up to an FTDI cable.

8x8 RGB LED Matrix V3.00

01 Mar 2009 284
Front side completed and cleaned. This laminated white solder stop mask is great! Virtually indestructible with my soldering iron.

8x8 RGB LED Matrix V3.00

01 Mar 2009 279
Back side completed and cleaned.

Flashing the bootloader with USBtinyISP / avrdude

Result of several hours of work

09 Apr 2009 232
I had to find a short between the SPI SCK line and ground. I just couldn't find it for hours :-(

I²C network of 2 matrix boards

04 Mar 2009 226
The one with the blue LED is the I²C master and transmits a button status, the one with the RGB matrix receives and reacts. The next step would be to synchronize the two boards. This could be used for an even bigger matrix with scrolling text.

305 items in total