LORK - Light & Cork

LED Square PT4115

Folder: Electronics

11 Nov 2012

277 visits

LORK - Light & Cork

11 Nov 2012

253 visits

Led Square - done!

No major goof-ups.

10 Nov 2012

216 visits

Successful reflow

I was terribly afraid of frying the bottom of the board, but it survived unscathed. The ground-plane conducted the heat nicely.

10 Nov 2012

177 visits

Reflow attempt

I have ceran hot plates, which essentially are strong IR heaters, so I just placed the board over it with some distance and played with the dial to simulate the temperature profile for SMD reflow. In the end I just set it to max and turned it off after all parts were done.

10 Nov 2012

188 visits

Warm-white LED + paste

10 Nov 2012

139 visits

White LED + paste

10 Nov 2012

219 visits

Adding solder paste

for the first time ever.

10 Nov 2012

203 visits

Solder paste + some parts

I was adding a bit too much paste, but it worked out fine.

09 Nov 2012

267 visits

LED-Square - back

Pretty uneventful.
29 items in total