A Silent Fence...(045°)


A Silent Fence...(045°)

27 Aug 2016 24 41 586
...for Randy - R.I.P.

Staircase - Treppenhaus (Sprinkenhof Hamburg)

30 Apr 2016 52 70 1247
HFF - Happy Fence Friday on June 10 to everyone. Enjoy a hopefully nice and sunny weekend without flashfloods and thunderstorms for a change. Unesco World Cultural Heritage "Speicherstadt und Kontorhausviertel" Kontorhausviertel

Staircase - Treppenhaus

02 May 2016 40 49 1153
Meßberghof in Hamburg Teil des Weltkulturerbes / Part of World Cultural Heritage Speicherstadt/Kontorhausviertel And a very belated HFF to all of you de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Me%C3%9Fberghof Annahme bei der Landesfotoschau Baden-Württemberg 2016...

Staircase - Treppenhaus

02 May 2016 5 6 386
Laeiszhof in Hamburg, office building established 1898 for the shipping company F.Laeisz, owner of the then famous Flying P-Liners. The company still resides in the building. One of the few buildings in Germany with a life paternoster-elevator

Art Nouveau Staircase - Jugenstil Treppenhaus

03 Aug 2015 82 101 1784
HFF - Happy Fence Friday on March 4th, still waiting for some traces of spring. Keep your feet warm and enjoy the weekend. Not really a fence but rather a railing, but what the heck, this is supposed to be fun :-)) Treppenhaus in Streit's Hof in der Poststraße, sehenswert! (ja, ich weiß, aber das schreibt sich so ;)) streits.de/streits-hof PIP2: Historical office directory, probably before WW1

Invasion Force from Mars?

02 Aug 2015 37 64 1252
HFF to all freinds and visitors, enjoy the weekend and now find the fence ;-)) Inner court of the Chilehaus in Hamburg, part of Hamburg's Kontorhausviertel and UNESCO World Cultural Heritage since 2015 The small green spots in the sky are the spaceships of the invasion force from Mars (ko, please confirm ;-)))

Heavy Lift Lift - Laste(n/r) Aufzüge

02 Aug 2015 21 47 862
Truck lifts in Hamburg's old "Elbe Tunnel" Fahrkörbe für PKW und LKW Verkehr Alter Elbtunnel Elbe Tunnel An early HFF to everyone on late November 12th. Enjoy the weekend and now find the fences!

Roofscape - Dachlandschaft

09 Oct 2015 44 67 857
TSC, October 11th, "ROOF LINES" Krameramtswohnungen in Hamburg vom Turm des Michel - A piece of Old-Hamburg from the belltower of St. Michaelis

Destination unknown - mit unbekanntem Ziel

02 Aug 2015 22 31 1064
Im Innenhof des Chilehauses - Inner court of the Chilehaus in Hamburg

A Patch Of Sky - Ein Stückchen Himmel (i 090° or i…

01 May 2015 29 43 1331
Warehouses in Hamburg's Warehouse District - In Hamburgs Speicherstadt

A Framed Sky - Der gerahmte Himmel

01 May 2015 38 46 1327
Sprinkenhof, Hamburg Annahme bei der Deutschen Fotomeisterschaft 2015


23 Feb 2013 27 27 724
Gesehen in der Sammlung des Hack Museums in Ludwigshafen

Mosbacher Hohlwelt - Rat's View

10 Mar 2013 10 18 658
10-Week Picture Projects: Shapes, Week 8 (May 11-17): Cylinder/tube- I have to admit, that this is a virtual tube only, but what the heck ... Compiled from 8 portrait shots, best on black

Framed Cloudscape

04 May 2015 42 62 834
Inner court of the office building "Sprinkenhof" in Hamburg. Part of the Unesco World Heritage "Speicherstadt und Kontorhausviertel" (Warehouse District and Office Building Quarter) Best on black!

Blue Planet (3xPIP)

29 Jul 2017 44 84 820
HFF to all friends and visitors. Let us hope, that some idiots will be stopped before they destroy our wonderful blue planet. Gasometer Oberhausen, diameter of the planet is 20m de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gasometer_Oberhausen en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gasometer_Oberhausen Making of here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=-abolRZQbzE (German) Samyang 7.5mm fisheye at f/8 and oo / 0.5 s without tripod!! Right PiP: Outside in 100m altitude Left PiP: Inside in 100m altitude looking down to the blue planet ON BLACK OF COURSE :-)

Hochhausbeleuchtung / Illuminating the Kollhoff-To…

30 Sep 2017 20 30 583
Am Potsdamer Platz zwischen Kollhoff- und Bahn-Tower

Kuppel des Berliner Doms / Cupola of the Berlin Ca…

30 Sep 2017 23 37 705
Samyang mFT 7,5 mm Fisheye

Staircase / Treppenhaus

30 May 2017 44 62 981
Sprinkenhof, Hamburg. UNESCO World Heritage

35 items in total