Morning Fog Burning Away...

The Colors of Fall

Morning Fog Burning Away...

30 Oct 2016 37 40 670
...over the Neckar Valley I tried a "big" one (PiP) but that failed due to the rapidly changing fog.

Neckar Valley in Fall Colors - Deep Zoom (240°)

22 Oct 2013 51 66 699
Deep zoom panorama compiled from 22 portrait shots in two rows. Canon EOS 60D, EF 85mm, 1,8 stopped down to 5,6, 1/80 sec. ISO 160, tripod, LV, 10 sec timer. Stitched with Panorama Studio 2.3. View original size (10.000 x 2.800 px) for lots of details! (Be patient, takes a while to load) PiPs with 300 mm focal length

A Patch of Sunlight on a Lousy Day - Hohenzollern…

02 Oct 2016 50 74 739
Could well be my TSC contribution for "The Seven Deadly Sins: greed, lust, envy, gluttony, anger, pride and sloth" - Here both Greed and Pride Best on black!

Tenaya Creek - Yosemite NP - Sept. 1989

Herbst / Fall in Heidelberg (270°)

26 Oct 2015 27 29 664
Von der Scheffelterrasse

Not Too Far Away, Fall - Er steht schon vor der Tü…

07 Nov 2011 30 49 636
Sept. 11th HFF to everyone, enjoy another sunny weekend (at least here in southern Germany). And now go and find the fence ;-)) Lifting fog in the Neckar Valley near my home

The Light of Fall - Herbstmorgen (125°)

18 Oct 2010 90 101 1451
♪♫ I'm beginnig to see the light - Coleman Hawkins - 1960 ♪♫

Three Rivers Valley in late afternoon glow, 1980

Herbstlicht - The Light of Fall (HBM)

01 Nov 2014 36 48 577
Im Schlosspark Bad Rappenau. HBM, have a good week and stay safe Ursprünglich hochgeladen am 1.11.2014

Blue Hole in the Sky - (270°)

18 Feb 2015 6 9 703
Heidelberg und die Rheinebene vom Königsstuhl Vista of Heidelberg and the Upper Rhine Valley from Königsstuhl funicular terminal

Rocky Mountains NP - Trail Ridge Road, Sept. 15th,…

Bank mit Aussicht - Bench with a view (270°)

01 Nov 2011 17 14 625
♪♫ Chet Baker, Paul Desmond - Autumn Leaves ♪♫

Colors of Fall - Herbstfarben I (270°)

Colors of Fall - Herbstfarben II (225°)

Colors of Fall (240°)

Dana Fork of Tuolumne River and Mammoth Peak, Oct.…

El Capitan, Yosemite NP, Oct. 1986 (060°)

25 Oct 1986 17 12 812
I guess these days you will never have a chance to see it like this without the unavoidable "park lovers" (like me ;-))

Somewhere in Yosemite NP, Fall 1985 (060°)

33 items in total