Search through LuddOnline - Lena Ekelund's photos

  Publication date  /  2012  /  August   -   29 photos

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  • Lowa with an unhealthy  amount of icecream
  • Our cherry crop 2012
  • Bornholm spun with 2-ply black
  • Heidi in action with my new mixed batts in the foreground
  • 1st 100gr hank of my Bornholm batts
  • Cotton Candy - totally crazy wool.
  • spring meadow
  • spring meadow
  • Bornholm yarn
  • Painted batt - Candy Swirl
  • Painted batt - Candy Swirl
  • Painted batt - Candy Swirl
  • Gotland 2nd sort
  • Hanks of both 2nd's and 3rd's from the Gotland
  • chevrolet corvair rampside -61
  • 25th anniversary
  • 25th anniversary
  • Gotland 1st sort
  • Labeling newly hanked yarn
  • Texel and Gotland
  • Gotland in autumn sunshine
  • Gotland, amazingly soft
  • Gotland 1st, 2nd and third sort
  • Ekelund drum Carder - Gotland, from the bottom; 1st, 2nd and third grade
  • Scoured Texel
  • one of the Texel babies according to EU regulations
  • Candy Swirl
  • Texel 2-ply
  • Nasturtium