desire draft

analog artwork

analog artwork I created

26 Feb 2009

2 favorites

922 visits

desire draft

skizze für acrylgemälde

26 Feb 2009

4 favorites


1 127 visits

desire painting

acryl, 2/07

03 Mar 2007

2 favorites

940 visits

toskana 1991

gignano di brancoli (blick auf den innenhof) ölkreide auf papier

26 Feb 2009

5 favorites


1 304 visits

toskana 1991

gignano di brancoli (blick von der küche nach draußen) bleistiftzeichnung

18 Sep 2022

7 favorites


134 visits


painting, by myself at the occasion of an action painting workshop, first abstract painting since early childhood. thought it was a time tunnel first, but the trainer saw a blackhole, so singularity it is.

08 Feb 2023

2 favorites


80 visits

retouching with colored chalk

the artwork I created at a workshop by "acrylistin" - wasn't thoroughly happy yet so I retouched a few spots with chalk today.

08 Feb 2023

6 favorites


133 visits

spiral of life

it's spiral of life now, with the past flying away and diffusing into the borders of the image and the viewer moving with time into the center where in the singularity the transition into a new continuum is happening

18 May 2023

1 favorite


75 visits

bushfire aquarium

result of a painting workshop held by a friend today - was meant to be the sun in blue sky, turned into a bushfire but a friend saw an aquarium in it - the AI does too, when I asked her what she sees in it. this is the original painting, watercolor and chalk.

09 Jun 2023

5 favorites


89 visits

bushfire aquarium scan

*** re-upload, scanned for better quality *** result of a painting workshop held by a friend today - was meant to be the sun in blue sky, turned into a bushfire but a friend saw an aquarium in it - the AI does too, when I asked her what she sees in it. this is the original painting, watercolor and chalk.
10 items in total