Bhuddists need pants too

Fuji X-M1 and Fujinon 27mm

Examples taken with this compact combination,

26 Sep 2014

1 favorite

628 visits

Bhuddists need pants too

26 Sep 2014

3 favorites

1 comment

587 visits

I beg your pardon

26 Sep 2014

378 visits

Royal Grammar School Guildford

26 Sep 2014

454 visits

The Master

03 Oct 2014

535 visits

Autumn approaches 2

01 Oct 2014

3 favorites

1 comment

428 visits

The National Health Service this morning...

Outside my local hospital

28 Sep 2014

3 favorites

683 visits

Worthing Pier X-M1 27mm 8

28 Sep 2014

3 favorites


722 visits

Worthing Pier X-M1 27mm 7

28 Sep 2014

638 visits

Worthing Pier X-M1 27mm 6

35 items in total