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  Publication date  /  2012  /  October  /  27   -   42 photos

« Oct 2012    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31    Oct 2012 »

  • Map of Lavinium, June 2012
  • Plan of the so-called Heroon of Aeneas at Lavinium, June 2012
  • Reconstruction of the so-called Heroon of Aeneas at Lavinium, June 2012
  • Stela of Hatshepsut and Thutmosis III in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Portrait of Ptolemy III Euergetes in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Etruscan Terracotta Cinerary Urn with Scylla in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Etruscan Travertine Cinerary Urn from Perugia in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Lid of an Etruscan Sarcophagus with a Reclining Man in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Lid of an Etruscan Sarcophagus with a Reclining Man in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Detail of a Lid of an Etruscan Sarcophagus with a Reclining Man in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Etruscan Bronze Bed in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Etruscan Chariot in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Head of a Priest from Palmyra in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Kylix by the Painter of Bologna 147 with Aesop and the Fox in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Detail of a Kylix by the Painter of Bologna 417 with Aesop and the Fox in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Detail of a Kylix by the Painter of Bologna 147 with Aesop and the Fox in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Black-Glazed Kernos from Orte in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Double-Spouted Oil Lamp with Leda and the Swan in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Double-Spouted Oil Lamp with Leda and the Swan in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Detail of a Double-Spouted Oil Lamp with Leda and the Swan in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Portrait of a Julio-Claudian Prince in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Portrait of a Julio-Claudian Prince in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Portrait of the Emperor Constantius Chlorus in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Portrait of the Emperor Constantius Chlorus in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Portrait of the Emperor Constantius Chlorus in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Portrait of the Emperor Constantius Chlorus in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Togate Sculpture in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Ganymede and the Eagle Statuette in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Ganymede and the Eagle Statuette in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Boy Carrying a Vase in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Boy Carrying a Vase in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Female Statuette with Peplum in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Female Statuette with Peplum in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Statuette of Odysseus in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Statuette of Odysseus in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Male Statue from Tivoli in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Male Statue from Tivoli in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Upper Part of Bronze Monumental Statue with a Portrait in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Upper Part of Bronze Monumental Statue with a Portrait in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Upper Part of Bronze Monumental Statue with a Portrait in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Plaster Cast of the Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus in the Vatican Museum, July 2012
  • Plaster Cast of the Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus in the Vatican Museum, July 2012