Model of the Colosseum in the Museum of Roman Civilization in EUR, July 2012

Museum of Roman Civilization

Folder: Italy

17 Jul 2012

552 visits

Votive Offering Shaped Like an Open Human Chest in the Museum of Roman Civilization in EUR, July 2012

17 Jul 2012

253 visits

Model of a Waterwheel Based on Vitruvius and Imprints in a Well in the Museum of Roman Civilization, July 2012

17 Jul 2012

396 visits

Detail of a Side of the Sosia Family's Sarcophagus with an Eye Examination Scene Replica in the Museum of Roman Civilization in EUR, July 2012

17 Jul 2012

311 visits

Side of the Sosia Family's Sarcophagus with an Eye Examination Scene Replica in the Museum of Roman Civilization in EUR, July 2012

17 Jul 2012

364 visits

Relief with Aeneas Fleeing Troy in the Museum of Roman Civilization in EUR, July 2012

17 Jul 2012

325 visits

Relief with Aeneas Fleeing Troy in the Museum of Roman Civilization in EUR, July 2012

17 Jul 2012

287 visits

Copy of a Mosaic with Two Maidens with Castanets and a Pan-pipe Player from Carthage in the Museum of Roman Civilization in EUR, July 2012

17 Jul 2012

402 visits

Copy of a Mosaic with Two Maidens with Castanets and a Pan-pipe Player from Carthage in the Museum of Roman Civilization in EUR, July 2012

17 Jul 2012

815 visits

Organ from Aquincum in the Museum of Roman Civilization in EUR, July 2012

35 items in total