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22 Nov 2008

1 favorite

507 visits


Stitched with Hugin from 21 shots at ISO 6400, 20 seconds exposure each. Location: see map. Camera: D300, Lens: Sigma AF 14/2.8 EX HSM. The sky was not totally clear, even at about 700m about sea level there was a bit of high fog, reflecting a lot of nearby city light pollution.

09 May 2008

2 favorites

762 visits

We are watching them, too.

At least, we try our best. Observatory from the outside. (D300, 30"/ISO 3200 shot, untraced)

09 May 2008

742 visits


The telescope which was used for this shot of M5 .

09 May 2008

2 favorites

1 039 visits


09 May 2008

745 visits


Taken with a 60cm diameter, 7200mm focal length cassegrain telescope (IIRC a reducer was applied), which a good friend kindly made accessible to me.

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22 Nov 2008

1 favorite

979 visits

Skypanorama - with constellations

Same like this one , but I added the main constallations. I used Stellarium for reference, great program. If you look closely, you can find the Pleiades in the right corner, and the Andromeda Nebula right to the center.

12 Jan 2009

461 visits

Vollmond // 2

300/2.8, cropped.

12 Jan 2009

521 visits

Vollmond // 1

300/2.8+2x-TC, cropped.

12 Jan 2009

448 visits

Vixen Telescope

No phun intended. Really. The maker *is* called "Vixen". Photo taken in pure moonlight. Explaining jokes sucks, but in german, "Vixen" might be interpreted as a wordplay like "Vanking" ;)
12 items in total