First Night - First Meal

Dänemark 2009

Hiking and beach holiday in denmark. Great fun!

First Night - First Meal

22 Sep 2009 252
The nights were a bit freezy, but no problem - but you'll need proper equipment. Sleeping bag advice: minimum comfort temperature 0°C.

First Night - First Meal // 2

First Morning - Nice Camping Site

23 Sep 2009 299
We actually did not reach our first planned camping site, so we had to ask some (luckily, very nice) people who lived in the old water mill (which is the reason for this lake) for allowance to camp on their ground.

Lonely Tree

Little Flower

Big Bags...

23 Sep 2009 366
Approx. backpack weight: 26kg.


Hærvejen - The Beginning

23 Sep 2009 234
Well, this is not really the starting point of the Hærvejen, but the point where we first met the "official" Hærvejen. We followed it from there on.

Blue Sky

Little Lake

23 Sep 2009 259
There's also a big lake, but I still have to stitch that panorama ;)

Campfire and Lake - Seen from the Tent

23 Sep 2009 246
Look out for the lake. Really, it's nice to camp at a lake - at least if there are no mosquitos. We were lucky :)

Campfire // 1

23 Sep 2009 290
In Denmark it's not allowed to pitch your tent everywhere (like it is in Norway, Sweden or Finland), but there are public camping grounds, some for free, some for very little payment. Often, there's an official fireplace and even dry wood supplied. Great service! :)

Campfire // 2

Camping Site

Eerie Sky // 1

71 items in total