Water End

Images posted to IG

Having got fed-up with Instagram's rubbish search feature making it impossible to check if one has posted an image or not without scrolling through the whole feed, I've decided I'll create an album of images that have been uploaded there too. It will take a while...

Elmswell (3)

10 Jul 2023 69
This marvellous tombstone is in the churchyard of St John the Devine, Elmswell, Suffolk. The stone is for Matthew Marsh who died in 169[5] (the last digit is unclear). Both edges of the stone, flanking the cartouche, have a full-length skeleton holding a spade. Each stands on an hour-glass which, in turn, is balanced on the head of a chubby cherub. The inscription starts with the words "Memento mori". Pentax K-3iii, SMC Pentax-FA 31mm Ltd.

Elmswell (2)

10 Jul 2023 69
This marvellous tombstone is in the churchyard of St John the Devine, Elmswell, Suffolk. The stone is for Matthew Marsh who died in 169[5] (the last digit is unclear). Both edges of the stone, flanking the cartouche, have a full-length skeleton holding a spade. Each stands on an hour-glass which, in turn, is balanced on the head of a chubby cherub. The inscription starts with the words "Memento mori". Pentax K-3iii, SMC Pentax-FA 31mm Ltd.

Elmswell (5)

10 Jul 2023 72
This marvellous tombstone is in the churchyard of St John the Devine, Elmswell, Suffolk. The stone is for Matthew Marsh who died in 169[5] (the last digit is unclear). Both edges of the stone, flanking the cartouche, have a full-length skeleton holding a spade. Each stands on an hour-glass which, in turn, is balanced on the head of a chubby cherub. The inscription starts with the words "Memento mori". Pentax K-3iii, SMC Pentax-FA 31mm Ltd.

Elmswell (1)

10 Jul 2023 72
This marvellous tombstone is in the churchyard of St John the Devine, Elmswell, Suffolk. The stone is for Matthew Marsh who died in 169[5] (the last digit is unclear). Both edges of the stone, flanking the cartouche, have a full-length skeleton holding a spade. Each stands on an hour-glass which, in turn, is balanced on the head of a chubby cherub. The inscription starts with the words "Memento mori". Pentax K-3iii, SMC Pentax-FA 31mm Ltd.

Hedgerley (3)

04 Aug 2023 45
This tombstone with its tiny skull and crossbones is in the churchyard of St Mary's, Hedgerley, Bucks. The stone is to Theophillius Hill who died in 1746. The inscription is in Latin which is unusual for a churchyard monument. Pentax K-3iii, SMC Pentax-FA 31mm Ltd.

Hedgerley (1)

04 Aug 2023 49
This tombstone with its tiny skull and crossbones is in the churchyard of St Mary's, Hedgerley, Bucks. The stone is to Theophillius Hill who died in 1746. The inscription is in Latin which is unusual for a churchyard monument. Pentax K-3iii, SMC Pentax-FA 31mm Ltd.

Hill (2)

04 Aug 2023 45
This tombstone with its tiny skull and crossbones is in the churchyard of St Mary's, Hedgerley, Bucks. The stone is to Theophillius Hill who died in 1746. The inscription is in Latin which is unusual for a churchyard monument. St Mary's, Hedgerley, Bucks. Pentax K-3iii, SMC Pentax-FA 31mm Ltd.

John Ive (2)

04 Aug 2023 42
Unusual perspective on this skull for John Ive, He died February 8th, 1745/6. The design contains a variety of memento mori: skull and bones, serpent, trumpet and a scythe. Not sure what the rectangular thing is. The missing item is an hourglass but it doesn't much look like that. St Mary's, Hedgerley, Bucks. Pentax K-3iii, SMC Pentax-FA 31mm Ltd.

John Ive (1)

04 Aug 2023 42
Unusual perspective on this skull for John Ive, He died February 8th, 1745/6. The design contains a variety of memento mori: skull and bones, serpent, trumpet and a scythe. Not sure what the rectangular thing is. The missing item is an hourglass but it doesn't much look like that. St Mary's, Hedgerley, Bucks. Pentax K-3iii, SMC Pentax-FA 31mm Ltd.

Norton skull (1)

07 Jun 2023 3 61
One from St Andrew's, Norton, Bury St Edmonds. I'm afraid I couldn't read the inscription. Pentax K-3iii, SMC Pentax-DA* 50-135mm f/2.8 lens.

Norton skull (3)

17 Jul 2023 54
One from St Andrew's, Norton, Bury St Edmonds. I'm afraid I couldn't read the inscription. BW images Pentax MZ-S, FPP let-it-snow film, SMC Pentax-F 35-70mm lens.

Norton skull (2)

17 Jul 2023 55
One from St Andrew's, Norton, Bury St Edmonds. I'm afraid I couldn't read the inscription. BW images Pentax MZ-S, FPP let-it-snow film, SMC Pentax-F 35-70mm lens.

Brighton Pier

14 Aug 2023 1 1 156
Ondu pinhole camera, expired Fuji RMS slide film.

Elmswell skull (1)

10 Jul 2023 62
This tombstone is in the churchyard of St John the Devine, Elmswell, Suffolk next to the one for Matthew Marsh that I posted previously. The stone is leaning forward quite a bit and so is always in shadow, and clearly a good proportion of it is buried. The two forward facing skulls show beautifully. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to try and work out who was commemorated.

Elmswell skull (3)

10 Jul 2023 65
This tombstone is in the churchyard of St John the Devine, Elmswell, Suffolk next to the one for Matthew Marsh that I posted previously. The stone is leaning forward quite a bit and so is always in shadow, and clearly a good proportion of it is buried. The two forward facing skulls show beautifully. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to try and work out who was commemorated.

Elmswell skull (2)

10 Jul 2023 3 81
This tombstone is in the churchyard of St John the Devine, Elmswell, Suffolk next to the one for Matthew Marsh that I posted previously. The stone is leaning forward quite a bit and so is always in shadow, and clearly a good proportion of it is buried. The two forward facing skulls show beautifully. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to try and work out who was commemorated.

Honour East (2)

06 Sep 2022 3 79
A tombstone from All Saints, Hertford. The monument is to Honour East, wife of William East. She "was one of those Prudent wives whose Virtue obtained a Good Report"! She died age 43 in 1711. Pentax Q-S1, Pentax Q 01 standard prime.

Honour East (1)

06 Sep 2022 58
A tombstone from All Saints, Hertford. The monument is to Honour East, wife of William East. She "was one of those Prudent wives whose Virtue obtained a Good Report"! She died age 43 in 1711. Pentax Q-S1, Pentax Q 01 standard prime.

1205 items in total