Water End

Images posted to IG

Having got fed-up with Instagram's rubbish search feature making it impossible to check if one has posted an image or not without scrolling through the whole feed, I've decided I'll create an album of images that have been uploaded there too. It will take a while...

Lamer (infrared)

13 Apr 2021 2 1 116
Lamer Park taken on Rollei Infrared 400 film using a Pentax MX and a 720nm filter.

Purple daffs

17 Apr 2021 95
Ayot St Peter old churchyard. Pentax ME Super, SMC Pentax 17mm fisheye, Lomochrome purple film.

shed and blossom

17 Apr 2021 1 241
Seen in the local allotments. Zeiss Super Ikonta IV, Kodak Ektar 100 film.

Mary Crouch (St Helen's, Wheathampstead)

11 Apr 2021 2 99
This gravestone is leaning forward at a steep angle so I had to lie on the ground and use a off-camera flash and a radio trigger to photograph it. Pentax K-3, SMC Pentax "K" 35mm f/3.5 lens.

St Mary and St Thomas, Knebworth

18 Apr 2021 106
Zeiss Super Ikonta IV, Kodak Ektar 100 film.

St Helen's, Wheathampstead

18 Apr 2021 1 105
One of my standard test views! Zeiss Super Ikonta IV, Kodak Ektar 100 film.

Thomas Humberstone

24 Apr 2021 111
Tombstone to Thomas Humberstone in the churchyard of St Mary's, Knebworth (HMI P251). He died in 1708 aged 38, just four years after another Thomas Humberstone who died in 1704, aged 86. Perhaps Thomas was Thomas' son or grandson? Zeiss Super Ikonta IV, Kodak Ektar 100 film.

Detail of Lamer

25 Apr 2021 3 169
Pentax K-3iii, SMC Pentax-A 100mm f/2.8. The cupola was destroyed, 14/05/2021. :(

Blossom again

25 Apr 2021 1 149
Pentax K-3iii, SMC Pentax-A 100mm f/2.8.


25 Apr 2021 1 160
Pentax K-3iii, SMC Pentax "K" 50mm f/4 lens.

Ayot New Church

25 Apr 2021 154
Pentax K-3iii, SMC Pentax "K" 28mm f/3.5 shift lens @ ISO6400.

Collecting my prize

24 Apr 2021 1 155
Went to SRS Microsystems to collect my K-3iii.

The cutest ever?

05 Apr 2011 219
A recent addition to the local flock. Pentax K20D, SMC Pentax 50mm f/1.2 lens.

Ayot Old Church

25 Apr 2021 1 1 155
Pentax K-3iii, SMC Pentax "K" 28mm f/3.5 shift lens.


03 May 2021 1 111
Seen at the local allotment. Pentax ME Super, Kodak Portra 400 film.

Have a seat!

03 May 2021 82
Agfa Isolette II, Kodak Tri-X.

Richard Crouch (1)

11 Apr 2021 2 108
Tombstone of Richard Crouch in the churchyard of St Helen's, Wheathampstead. The photo was taken with an off-camera flash. Pentax K-3, SMC Pentax "K" 35mm f/3.5.

Richard Crouch (2)

11 Apr 2021 1 110
Tombstone of Richard Crouch in the churchyard of St Helen's, Wheathampstead. The photo was taken with an off-camera flash. Pentax K-3, SMC Pentax "K" 35mm f/3.5.

1205 items in total