There Is Beauty If We But Look


Thinking outside the square. Photographic images can be the basis for many other kinds of art type tinkerings. I love what some of my friends do hand colouring, I am a painter at heart. Photography is just a different kind of painting, using light. These are my experiments.

There Is Beauty If We But Look

19 Jan 2021 8 2 151
Lumix GH4 using M42 extension tubes and an M42 Vintage Hellios 44-2 lense. Shot wide open with no processing the lush vibe, evokes gold, magi, treasure.....vacum tubes...

The Light On A Hill Has Fallen

19 Jan 2021 3 75
Lumix GH4 using M42 extension tubes and an M42 Vintage Hellios 44-2 lense. Shot wide open with no processing the lush vibe, evokes gold, magi, treasure.....vacum tubes...

Dragon Dreams Over Time

17 Jan 2021 2 77
Lumix GH4 using M42 extension tubes and an M42 Vintage Yashinon 5.6cm f 1.8 lense. Shot wide open from late night session with a light, on the kitchen table. Not a lot of processing here!

A Bit Of Yin And A Bit Of Yang

16 Jan 2021 3 70
Lumix GH4 using M42 extension tubes and an M42 Vintage Yashinon 5.6cm f 1.8 lense. Shot wide open. A late night session with a light, a glass with the residue of diet ginger beer in the bottom and the screw driver handle upside down in the bottom of the glass.....but it looks like a nebular to me. Not a lot of processing here!

Lightning Crashes

16 Jan 2021 3 73
Lumix GH4 using M42 extension tubes and an M42 Vintage Yashinon 5.6cm f 1.8 lense. Shot wide open. A late night session with a light, a glass with the residue of diet ginger beer in the bottom and the screw driver handle upside down in the bottom of the glass.....but it looks like a nebular to me. Not a lot of processing here!

Dragon Dreams

16 Jan 2021 2 1 73
Lumix GH4 using M42 extension tubes and an M42 Vintage Yashinon 5.6cm f 1.8 lense. Shot wide open from late night session with a light, on the kitchen table. Not a lot of processing here!

Sycophant Dance Moves

16 Jan 2021 4 2 97
Lummix GH4 using M42 extension tubes and an M42 Vintage Yashinon 5.6cm f 1.8 lense. Shot wide open.

Green Pear & Bowling Friends

26 Apr 2019 351
Silver gelatin print on vintage Kodak Projection 84 paper, well past its used by date. Developed in Ilford Multigrade 1: 40. Contact printed from Thermo Scientific, CL-Xposure Film, 5 x 7 " Blue X-Ray film. Metered @100 iso Sinar F 4 x 5 LF Camera, Fujinon 250 mm W lens 5 x 7 sheet cut to size and loaded in holder. A crop showing the cut down 5 x7 in a 4 x 5 holder. Warts and all....still beautiful

The Loner Ranger Rides Again

27 Sep 2015 9 2 386
© Graham Hughes 2015 All Rights Reserved Fp4+ Neg developed in Tanol 1 + 1 + 100 17mins, print on Ilford MG 4 RC glossy paper, developed in Warmtone. Camera Canon AE1, Lens 50mm 1:7 or 8. Shot on program mode. Outside Gallery259 Analogue birthed. Scanned and digitally kissed in Nik Analogue Efex.

When Jabba The Hut Hid In A Mangnolia Tree

13 Sep 2015 4 2 528
© Graham Hughes 2015 All Rights Reserved Silver gelatin print, 8 x 10ish unknown expired paper, Camera EOS 10s, Lens Hellios m42 44-2. Film Fuji HR2 Microfilm, exposed @ iso 6. developed for 10mins in Tanol 1+1+100 I am posting this not because its a stunning image, but because it represents the beginning of an exciting film journey. I was kindly given several 100ft rolls of this Fuji HR2 microfilm to try by a friend. I had to find a camera to use this unperforated film. No sprocket holes Mum. This was from a rushed shot to finish a film and start working on developing the stuff. This tree was blowing in the wind and the light was dull. I think it may have been a 6 second or more exposure..........not very good at notes. I have spent today at Gallery259 developing a few rolls....the best are hanging up drying as I type.......this is lovely film, almost seems grainless......very pleased with this print. Exciting journey unfolding. Developed in Wolfgang Moersch Tanol for 10 mins. Shot at iso 6.

The Truth About Platforms 5's Demise On The Light…

27 Jan 2015 7 2 361
© Graham Hughes 2015 All Rights Reserved Chemigram scratched with a nail....scanned and rotated.

Under A Tuscan Sun

19 Jan 2015 7 8 617
© Graham Hughes 2015 All Rights Reserved Lumen prints. Agfa expired glossy colour paper. Roadside daisies, exposed outside

Outside the Phone Booth

27 Jan 2014 18 11 670
© Graham Hughes 2014 All Rights Reserved Silver gelatine paper negative, agfa glossy grade 1 paper, kodak Specialist 3 LF Camera, CZ Vintage Protar Lens. Scanned and processed in Nik SFX2. This is one of my images shot on Sat or Sunday outside Gallery259...........the only digital processing is scanning and cleaning up a bit with spot healing, adjusting levels and toning in Nik. The painterly effect here is mostly the turn of the century CZ Protar, my holder, and the fact this lens has no aperture blades so its always wide open............more to come BUt I LOVE this..........really happy..........this is a bike made by a local weilder, very steampunk, very cool. 1 sec exposure, hand removed lens cover style

The Headlight Version 1

23 Jan 2014 233
© Graham Hughes 2014 All Rights Reserved Edixa Matt Flex 35mm Vintage Camera, Pentacon 50mm f1:8 lens, Ilford FP4 Plus 125 Developed in LC29 1:29 12mins. Scanned & processed in PS using textures from photographic paper left in stainless steel tubs in my darkroom to develop 'grunge'.

The Headlight Version 2

23 Jan 2014 195
© Graham Hughes 2014 All Rights Reserved Edixa Matt Flex 35mm Vintage Camera, Pentacon 50mm f1:8 lens, Ilford FP4 Plus 125 Developed in LC29 1:29 12mins. Scanned & processed in PS using textures from photographic paper left in stainless steel tubs in my darkroom to develop 'grunge'.

The Ride

23 Jan 2014 10 4 304
© Graham Hughes 2014 All Rights Reserved Edixa Matt Flex 35mm Vintage Camera, Pentacon 50mm f1:8 lens, Ilford FP4 Plus 125 Developed in LC29 1:29 12mins. Scanned & processed in PS using textures from photographic paper left in stainless steel tubs in my darkroom to develop 'grunge'.

Here Comes The Sun

23 Jan 2014 2 1 285
© Graham Hughes 2014 All Rights Reserved Edixa Matt Flex 35mm Vintage Camera, Pentacon 50mm f1:8 lens, Ilford FP4 Plus 125 Developed in LC29 1:29 12mins. Scanned & processed in PS using textures from photographic paper left in stainless steel tubs in my darkroom to develop 'grunge'.

There's A Road........

16 Dec 2013 2 1 311
© Graham Hughes 2013 All Rights Reserved Canon AE1. With a few issues. Unsure whether its film or camera re light leaks. Unknown bulk loaded film, very old, emulsion seems damaged. Developed in HC 110 1:116. Stand devo for 60mins. I have a feeling this is some kind of Ortho film. It has developed grey….and pre development was white. When I washed it pre dev, no dye was evident at all.

33 items in total