
My Back Yard

I am so the connector and yet I find myself mostly living in solitude. Sometimes that is agony, and sometimes that is bliss. There is more than enough beauty in my back yard if I have the eyes to see, and the wisdom to not be in front of a computer connecting with invisible friends who cannot touch my skin, look into my eyes, hold me if I need it, laugh, cry and talk rubbish. Sitting on my back st…  (read more)


18 Feb 2021 111
Lumix GH 4 with Hasselblad CZ 350mm f 5.6 lense . Shot wide open.on a Thursday evening as the last light was heading over the horizon.

Foiliage At Last Light Fading

18 Feb 2021 102
Lumix GH 4 with Hasselblad CZ 350mm f 5.6 lense . Shot wide open.on a Thursday evening as the last light was heading over the horizon.

The Dialogue Continues Into The Night

07 Feb 2021 82
Lumix GH 4 with Hasselblad CZ 350mm f 5.6 lense .

The Acrobats

07 Feb 2021 101
Lumix GH 4 with Hasselblad CZ 350mm f 5.6 lense , shot wide open.

Tracey & Co

07 Feb 2021 100
Lumix GH 4 with Hasselblad Carl CZ 350mm f 5.6 lense on a Mutar CZ Doubler.Out and about.....

Tracey & Co

07 Feb 2021 102
Lumix GH 4 with Hasselblad Carl CZ 350mm f 5.6 lense on a Mutar CZ Doubler.Out and about.....

And In The Morning A Great While Before Day....

07 Feb 2021 88
Lumix GH 4 with Hasselblad Carl CZ 350mm f 5.6 lense on a Mutar CZ Doubler.

Stage Right

07 Feb 2021 6 1 102
Lumix GH 4 with Hasselblad Carl CZ 350mm f 5.6 lense on a Mutar CZ Doubler. 1st plays on a breezey and leaning on a box. Need to work out how to manage on a tripod. No mount on the lense itself. Ctreative solution coming. Love the lense tho.

Curtain Time

07 Feb 2021 1 112
Lumix GH 4 with Hasselblad Carl CZ 350mm f 5.6 lense on a Mutar CZ Doubler. 1st plays on a breezey and leaning on a box. Need to work out how to manage on a tripod. No mount on the lense itself. Creative solution coming. Love the lense tho.

The Flower And The Press

07 Feb 2021 1 110
Lumix GH 4 with Hasselblad Carl CZ 350mm f 5.6 lense on a Mutar CZ Doubler. 1st plays on a breezey and leaning on a box. Need to work out how to manage on a tripod. No mount on the lense itself. Ctreative solution coming. Love the lense tho.

Behind The Iron Curtain

07 Feb 2021 1 86
Lumix GH 4 with Hasselblad Carl CZ 350mm f 5.6 lense on a Mutar CZ Doubler. 1st plays on a breezey and leaning on a box. Need to work out how to manage on a tripod. No mount on the lense itself. Ctreative solution coming. Love the lense tho.