

Passionate about trees, especially in winter.


18 Feb 2021 107
Lumix GH 4 with Hasselblad CZ 350mm f 5.6 lense . Shot wide open.on a Thursday evening as the last light was heading over the horizon.

Foiliage At Last Light Fading

18 Feb 2021 99
Lumix GH 4 with Hasselblad CZ 350mm f 5.6 lense . Shot wide open.on a Thursday evening as the last light was heading over the horizon.


18 Feb 2021 100
Lumix GH 4 with Hasselblad CZ 350mm f 5.6 lense . Shot wide open.on a Thursday evening as the last light was heading over the horizon.

Before The Bend

06 Feb 2021 96
Lumix GH 4 with Hasselblad Carl CZ 350mm f 5.6 lense . 1st plays on a breezey and leaning on the deck rail. Need to work out how to manage on a tripod. No mount on the lense itself. Creative solution coming. Love the lense tho.

The Way Home

02 Jan 2020 3 5 121
5 x 7 Carestream Xray film silver gelatin neg. Developed in ID 11 1+ 3. Ernmann Globus 5 x 7 Vintage camera, Kodak Aero Ektar lense. Hadnt used these holders for ages, and had a rest from film. Left warts and all....still gotta love them.