
Mongol Rally, 2009

Once you get into the Kyrgystan landscape pictures, please give them a go in the larger sizes. :)

Caught in the... act


29 Jul 2009 67
The memorial to the dead of Stalingrad is monumentally serene and moving. The walls are of broken glass and gilt tiles which flicker in the light of the eternal flame. Very quiet music, reminiscent of a crematorium plays all the time, and there are many very, very serious Russian soldiers on constant guard.

Eternal flame

29 Jul 2009 74
The memorial to the dead of Stalingrad is monumentally serene and moving. The walls are of broken glass and gilt tiles which flicker in the light of the eternal flame. Very quiet music, reminiscent of a crematorium plays all the time, and there are many very, very serious Russian soldiers on constant guard.

Honour guard

29 Jul 2009 95
Constant, silent, and motionless.


29 Jul 2009 62
Some of the names in the hall, and one of the (regimental?) badges on the ceiling above them. They surround the entire round hall.


29 Jul 2009 61
There are some shots you have to try to take, y'know?

The Motherland Calls

29 Jul 2009 81
As she is apparently fully titled. Although "Mother Motherland" is another potential translation.

Mother Motherland

29 Jul 2009 89
As she is apparently fully titled. Although "The Motherland Calls" is another potential translation.


Camel bothering

Look at me, for am I the defeater of camels

The walk of shame

Off for a swim?

Fashion guru

Arrival in Atyrau

31 Jul 2009 102
You try pronouncing it.

Loadsamoney (and camera shake)

30 Aug 2009 90
This is our last night with the whole gang, at an excellent restaurant in Atyrau. Oh how much I missed these guys after that! And not just for Chris's wodge of money! ;)

Best slow down for this bit...

144 items in total