
Personal Photos (Family, Friends, etc.)

Cara - (aka Supermum!) at The Quay Climbing Centre…

28 Jan 2012 300
Watched my daughter, granddaughter and a friend climbing on Saturday at The Quay Climbing Centre Exeter. I'm probably going to bore you all to death with this set.....more to come!

Cara at The Quay Climbing Centre Exeter

Cara at The Quay Climbing Centre Exeter

Edie & on the beach!

07 Jan 2012 184
Last weekend we visited my Grandchildren for the first time this year, and so I thought it was fitting that my first post of the year should be of them having fun on Exmouth beach.


25 Dec 2011 163
Just a quick snap to try out my new (to me) 85mm f1.8 lens :)

Mmmmmm, noodles!

Mind the gap.............

15 Oct 2011 2 171
Oakley playing hide and seek with Grandad.

Trying on hats..........

15 Oct 2011 165
Edie and Mum Cara having fun trying on hats in the Cotwolds shop!

Hide and seek with Oakley

Edie has the most individual fashion ideas........…

15 Oct 2011 212
..................which she most definitely gets from her Mum! I posted this partly because Alby has just commented on another shot of mine asking whether funny hats run in my family!



03 Aug 2011 176
Processed in "Flare"


107 items in total