Keith Burton's photos

Lepe Dolphins sunrise 7

Lepe Dolphins sunrise 2

Lepe Dolphins sunrise 3

Lepe Dolphins sunrise 4

Titchfield Abbey

11 Apr 2012 119
I know it's been done before............but it was this or the garden centre with the missus!!

Titchfield Abbey 2

Titchfield Abbey 3

Eastney sunrise 1

06 Apr 2012 109 up at 4:30am this morning (after a late shift at work), got to Eastney to meet up with Alby and Trev, only to find I'd forgotten my camera plate - so unable to fix my camera to my tripod!! Ended up balancing the camera on top of a bean-bag on the no long exposures for me. Lesson learnt!! Anyway, here are a few of those I to work again in an hour or so :(

Eastney sunrise 2

Eastney sunrise 3

Eastney sunrise 4

Purple haze

01 Apr 2012 132
Processed in "Flare". Looks better viewed large on black :)


03 Apr 2012 151
This is a crop from the image I posted yesterday.


03 Apr 2012 1 2 155
Taken through the window of what looked like a vintage clothing shop in Reading. Processed in "Flare" in order to get rid of the reflections (my Photoshop skills not up to doing it)! I thought it turned out kinda quirky..........

Jacksons Corner

03 Apr 2012 3 186
Jacksons is one of the few remaining "proper" department stores. Founded in 1875 and still owned and run by the Jackson Family.

Sunset and vapour trails

The last of the light - just after sunset.

Just after and blue skies.

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