
Collages, Triptychs and Diptychs

02 Oct 2020

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♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

30 Nov 2016

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Pictures of Home

Sight and Sound I always end up with extra photos so I thought I'd put together a collage of some "pictures of home" and make a little segue into this song: Deep Purple from their "Machine Head" album (1972) Live with the London symphony orchestra 1999/2000 Pictures of Home Pictures of Home Album: Pictures of Home

28 May 2020

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272 visits


This week in SSC: "Take, in the same photo, the worst thing that you hate, and the thing, on the contrary, that you love passionately. You should not say in the comment or in the photo the thing you hate and the thing you like; It will be up to the group to guess the answer." I couldn't get these two together in the same photo so I used a little editing. I try to appreciate all of nature but I do like some things more than others. Can you guess how I feel about these two? ;-) ..and for Sight and Sound: Sting from his album "Brand New Day" (1999) Live: Brand New Day Brand New Day

02 Sep 2016

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Pet Shop Birds

Sight and Sound I've got a little leftover stock from my trip to the pet shop last weekend so I thought I'd link it with this classic by the "Pet Shop Boys." Anybody remember this one? Pet Shop Boys first released this as a single in 1984 and then later on their 1986 album "Please." West End Girls West End Girls

20 Aug 2016

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712 visits

Oh Deer...

TSC Sight and Sound This week's Sunday Challenge: “Shoot something from 3 different angles. Convert the 3 pictures to monochrome (doesn’t have to be B&W) and arrange them in a triptych.” I chose B&W because I thought it suited these photos the best. This sweet doe comes through our yard often. We talk to her and she knows she is welcome, so she is the feature for me this week. She is so sweet and deer always make me think of love and kindness so here's a song to go along, of course.... (both from the 1960s) Dionne Warwick: What the World Needs Now Jackie DeShannon What the World Needs Now

09 Apr 2016

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NOT TSC "Photographer" My grandpa was a photographer, so for this challenge I've created a collage in his honor. That's him in the big picture surrounded by some of the photos he took and processed in his own darkroom. I think he especially enjoyed photographing his family. "Long ago, it must be, I have a photograph..." Bookends or here Bookends

16 Jan 2016

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Silk Purse

TSC - Sight and Sound Diptychs I've always loved little piglets and I have a small salt and pepper shaker collection of them so they are my focus for this week's challenge. I chose a song from Linda Ronstadt's 1970 "Silk Purse" album to go with my diptych: I'm Leavin' It All Up to You

01 Oct 2015

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Sight and Sound We had a little visitor the other day! A little something for all you Weasel fans out there! :D The origin of the nursery rhyme: Pop! Goes the Weasel The jazziest snazziest: Pop! Goes the Weasel And the Foxtrot (Weaseltrot?): Pop! Goes the Weasel

30 Aug 2015

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500 visits


This week's challenge: Show us a bit of your week. Let’s put our week into a collage, get at least 3 shots, more is fine less is not! Your collage must contain at least: 1) one shot in black & white (my son) 2) one shot using the white balance (apples set on "shade") 3) one shot with selective color ("The Wind in the Willows" book) Here's a little selection from my week. (I'm just not including anything stressful. ;) Did some walking, knitting, fixing up dolls, reading, picked apples, went to the park and at the end of the week our son came home after being away in Europe.
29 items in total