In Honor of Veteran's Day

Cool Old Photos

Do you love old photos? I do. Watch this space for more additions.

Most of these photos have been taken by my grandpa or someone in my family and then edited by me before posting. I hope you enjoy.

11 Nov 1944

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In Honor of Veteran's Day

This is my great grandma Molly and 3 of her grandsons (my uncles) circa 1944.

05 Jun 2021

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Somewhere in Time (in honor of D-Day)

Long ago, my mom (who was in nurses training at the time) was engaged to this man named Lynn who was a paratrooper. Sadly he was killed in the war before they could be married. My mom went on to marry my dad years later and they had a big family. I remember her telling us the story of Lynn and what had happened. I always wondered what her life would have been like if he would have lived. I like to think that maybe they could meet again somewhere in time. Below is what is written on the back of his photo. Somewhere in Time

11 Nov 2020

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Veterans ♥

Cool Old Photo Time! In Honor of Veterans Day This is my dad with his shipmates in Naples, 1944. (He was only 19!) ...and for Sight and Sound: George Michael from his album "Listen Without Prejudice" (1990) Mother's Pride Mother's Pride

09 Jun 2020

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"Cool Old Photo" time again. Here's my little sister taking a nap on my big sister's pony "Harlow" who quickly became "our" pony (Circa 1965) Oh, how I miss horses. For Sight and Sound: Mike Oldfield from his "Ommadawn" album (1975) On Horseback On Horseback

27 Apr 2020

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Play Ball!

Cool Old Photo time! These are my uncles Tom and Jerry circa 1938. They were my mom's little brothers and they were twins. My grandpa took this photo in b/w and I cleaned it up a bit and gave it a sepia tint. ...and for Sight and Sound: John Fogerty from his album "Centerfield" (1985) Centerfield Live: Centerfield

03 Jul 2019

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Blinded by Science

I'm long overdue for adding something to my "Cool Old Photos" album. My sister gave me a bunch of old family photos that I'm having fun editing. (Original in PIP.) This is my grandma's Chemistry Class in 1915. She's on the far right. Your guess is as good as mine as to what they were doing. ...and for Sight and Sound Thomas Dolby (1982) She Blinded Me With Science She Blinded Me With Science

30 Oct 1999

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Happy Halloween, Everyone! :)

Cool Old Photo time again! This is my little guy and his best buddy around 1999. They were enjoying their wax vampire teeth lol. And here's ​a song from ​Concrete Blonde's album "Bloodletting" from 1990. The Vampire Song The Vampire Song The Vampire Song

06 Sep 2014

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Girl from Ohio

Sight and Sound Cool Old Photo time again! (Processed in Silver Efex.) I posted this little gang: a while back, but they were a bit younger then and one wasn't born yet. These are all the kids in my mom's childhood family and that's my mom, the only girl growing up in Ohio with 5 rowdy brothers (taken by my grandpa circa 1938.) I think she deserves her own song so I will dedicate this one to my mom. ♥ The Outlaws from their album "Lady In Waiting" (1976) Girl from Ohio or Girl from Ohio

22 Feb 2017

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Your Mama Don't Dance....

Sight and Sound Time for another "Cool Old Photo." These are some folks from my husband's side of the family. The young lady is my husband's great-great grandmother and the young man would be his great-great uncle. The folks in front are their mama and daddy which would be my husband's great, great, great grandparents, circa 1850. This photo was severely damaged which gave me the opportunity to try my hand at some mending. Loggins and Messina from their self-titled album (1972) Live: Your Mama Don't Dance from the album: Your Mama Don't Dance ...and just for fun let's go to Darryl's House with Kenny Loggins!: Your Mama Don't Dance
32 items in total