

These are photos taken for The Sunday Challenge group, but not submitted. They are mainly for fun and for just playing around with different ideas.

29 Aug 2016

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383 visits


Sight and Sound and NOT TSC Mother Nature, I love your humor/humour. After spending the last week trying to find even one bird to photograph for "The Sunday Challenge" (and finally having to go to the local pet shop for my photo) opportunity flew in and landed in a tree right in front of me today. This pretty "Northern Flicker" stayed long enough for me to get this shot just in the "nick of time." (A little sarcasm here. ;) Bonnie Raitt from her "Nick of Time" album (1989) (Might be a first entry to SaS of this fantastic artist, not sure... Mick, Roger?) I Will Not Be Denied I Will Not Be Denied

13 Aug 2016

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252 visits

Flapper girl...

NOT TSC This week's Sunday Challenge: Pick a challenge from the challenge list. I chose one of Jan's suggestions. "Something Old" This pretty little purse was made by the Mandalian Mfg. Co. back in the 1920s. I've had it for about 20 years. It was a "Flapper" purse. It's fun to imagine the history of this purse and think about the young woman that probably received it as a gift and wore it out to parties and fun events back in the day. Soundtrack to "The Great Gatsby"

22 Apr 2016

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Dark Horse

NOT TSC and Sight and Sound Visual Pun (special thanks to Christine for this fun idea :) "Dark Horse" "A candidate or competitor about whom little is known, but who unexpectedly wins or succeeds." "He was the dark horse in the race." ;) George Harrison: Dark Horse Dark Horse

09 Apr 2016

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NOT TSC "Photographer" My grandpa was a photographer, so for this challenge I've created a collage in his honor. That's him in the big picture surrounded by some of the photos he took and processed in his own darkroom. I think he especially enjoyed photographing his family. "Long ago, it must be, I have a photograph..." Bookends or here Bookends

02 Apr 2016

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NOT TSC and Sight and Sound "Cutlery, crockery or cooking utensils." My choice for the "NOT TSC" group this week. I would like to dedicate this one to our friends in Ireland. Plates made in Ireland and a lovely Irish tune called: The Gentle Maiden - Joemy Wilson The Gentle Maiden - Jessica Peterson

15 Sep 2015

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Shelob's Lair

NOT TSC and Sight and Sound Mirroring (on black) From Lord of the Rings (Howard Shore): Shelob's Lair or Shelob's Lair

30 Jul 2015

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404 visits


This one was my main pick until I realized I'd forgotten to do any "in camera" processing. I did the other steps though, so I hope it can be allowed into NOT TSC... My 2 challenges of choice were: "something that warms you" and "selective color" This is Remy and his good friend Mike. If you go down our road you will almost always see them playing. They are the best of friends. Remy is coming to show me his bright, orange ball. You would be proud of me. I used full "Auto" mode, something I almost never do anymore. :)

28 Jun 2015

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NOT TSC - Back Lighting

A photo I did for TSC "Back Lighting" but didn't use.

13 Jun 2015

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336 visits

NOT TSC - From Your Car

Rub a dub dub, three girls in a tub. :)
34 items in total