Tis the Season...


My favorite color. ♥ ♥ ♥

Tis the Season...

21 Dec 2021 33 27 327
A Merry Christmas to everyone! :) You haven't seen me around for a while, only because I haven't been taking many photos lately. I thought this amaryllis that my son gave me would make a cheerful holiday image that you'll hopefully enjoy. Wishing you all good health and Happy holidays! ...and for "Sight and Sound:" Dan Fogelberg from "The First Christmas Morning" album (1999) This Endris Night

Fall Color

21 Oct 2021 43 31 296
Some fall color for you! (Japanese Maples)

Ruby Red!

12 Nov 2020 24 13 241
Cat Stevens from his album "Teaser and the Firecat" (1971) Rubylove Rubylove

More Color!

01 Nov 2020 32 21 254
More fall color to brighten your day. ..and for Sight and Sound: Erik Satie Classic Piano: Gnossienne No. 1 And with a twist from Seth Ford - Young: Gnossienne No. 1 or Gnossienne No. 1

Had to Fall...

01 Nov 2020 33 26 257
The Japanese maples are really showing off right now. (Best on full screen) For Sight and Sound: The Moody Blues from their album "Octave" (1978) Had to Fall in Love Had to Fall in Love

On the Road Again

12 Mar 2020 16 17 196
Are we there yet? :)) Willie Nelson from his single (1980) On the Road Again On the Road Again

Tell Me What You See

27 Dec 2019 22 30 195
This week in SSC: "Unfocused Abstract Photography" What do you see here? (See PiP for the "in-focus" version.) ...and for Sight and Sound: The Beatles from their "Help" album (UK) and "Beatles VI (US) (1965) Tell Me What You See Tell Me What You See

Obsolete but not Forgotten

29 Oct 2019 23 28 236
This week in SSC: "Anything that has been rendered obsolete but still being used everyday by people everywhere." My Sony Walkman CD player. I still use it all the time! ...and for Sight and Sound: Carol King from her album "Music" (1971) Music Music

There's a Wolf...

24 Oct 2019 19 38 244
This week in SSC: "High Key Photography" Halloween is coming up and little Red Riding Hood is going out trick or treating on the back of her trusty wolf. I photographed these two against a white back drop and exposed for that until everything in my histogram was mostly to the right side making it as white as I could get it! ...and for Sight and Sound: Voxhaul Broadcast from the TV show "The Walking Dead" (2013) There's a Wolf in My Heart There's a Wolf in My Heart

Strawberry Fields Forever

15 Sep 2019 14 15 187
The strawberries are still going strong. For Sight and Sound: The Beatles from their "Magical Mystery Tour" album (1967) Strawberry Fields Forever Strawberry Fields Forever

Little Bit of Red...

26 Aug 2019 24 24 233
Who can resist a classic? Especially when it's red. For Sight and Sound: Thank you, Roger, for introducing me to this singer recently. I found another song from her that I really like. :) Serena Ryder from her album "Is It O.K." (2008) Live: A Little Bit of Red A Little Bit of Red

Shallow DOF

02 Aug 2019 24 40 223
This week in SSC: "Shallow Depth of Field" The strawberries are in focus and so delicious this year. :) ...and for Sight and Sound: Shuggie Otis from his album "Freedom Flight" (1971) I first heard this song when I was 13 years old and it felt like I was listening to something magical. It still feels this way. :) Strawberry Letter 23 Strawberry Letter 23

Twelve Thirty

03 Jun 2019 18 20 402
For Sight and Sound: Mamas and Papas (1968) Live: Twelve Thirty Album: Twelve Thirty Twelve Thirty


31 Jan 2019 16 20 464
This is an Amaryllis bulb that I got for Christmas. It came in a box with a ceramic pot to plant it in. Unfortunately, the bulb had already started growing in the box and it had a flower almost blooming. The stalk was curved and it didn't look real happy. My husband said I should just throw it away get another one but I wanted to give it a chance since it was trying so hard. I planted it and propped it up so it could straighten itself out by growing toward the light. It did enthusiastically and produced four beautiful flowers. Then this amazing plant continued with a second stalk of 4 flowers. It's been a non-stop show for over a month and I'm enjoying it each day. You can see another pic in the PIP where it looks more like its deep red color. For Sight and Sound: Joe Cocker from his album "I Can Stand a Little Rain" (1974) You are so Beautiful or You are so Beautiful or another version worth a listen: Kenny Rankin from "The Kenny Rankin Album" (1977) You are so Beautiful or You are so Beautiful

Born to Be Wild

11 Jan 2019 25 48 458
This week in SSC: "Abstract in Red" I had to go down to the "Man Cave" for my shot this week. :-O This is part of a chopper my husband built many years ago. You can see a little more of it in the PIP. ...and for Sight and Sound: I can't help but add this song from the 1969 movie "Easy Rider": Steppenwolf from their self-titled album (1968) from the movie: Born to Be Wild Born to Be Wild Live: Born to Be Wild


13 Dec 2018 22 29 318
This week in SSC: "Holiday Still Life" I created my "Still Life" on the tree! Happy Holidays, everyone! :) And some Christmas tunes for you from Dan Fogelberg's "First Christmas" album (1999) Winterskol Yule Dance Feast of Fools


06 Dec 2018 21 28 296
I always wanted to post this song in December and this year I finally remembered! So for Sight and Sound: Collective Soul from their self-titled album (1999) December December


18 Nov 2018 18 29 480
This week in SSC: Fire Engines I got lucky and found a fire engine in town this week. I hope you like it. There have been some horrific fires here in our neighboring state of California recently. It really makes you appreciate our fire fighting heroes. ...So for Sight and Sound: David Crosby w/Phil Collins from his album "Thousand Roads" (1993) Hero or Hero Phil Collins demo: Hero

59 items in total