A poem, no doubt

Signage, signs and portents, and scratches on walls

My walking companions

17 May 2024 1 29
These are my walking companions yesterday on a trail none of us had walked before. The trail starts on this 1940s-era bridge, built for the highway that, in Newfoundland before it joined Canada, was the equivalent of the Trans-Canada Highway. And much of our path was along that old gravel highway, now mainly an ATV route. We, like most walkers, ignored the injunction against crossing it. Without walking up on the modern highway a few hundred metres away, there was no other way to cross the river.


18 Jun 2024 1 30
A week ago, when I took this picture, my wife and I were staying for a few days in a house not a hundred metres from this spot in Gillard's Cove, Twillingate. I assumed these signs were leftovers from the Great Lockdown of four years ago. There is some if not irony then educative truth in having taken this picture combined with that when we got home we found that for the first time we were infected with Covid. Agghhh. (We seem to be getting better now.)

Truck's arse at a light.

12 Jul 2024 17
I was stopt at a light with this truck's arse ahead of me. I had to take its picture.

Under surveillance

12 Aug 2024 9
In a stairwell in a public parking garage.

Truck's arse

13 Aug 2024 18
I cannot resist taking a picture of the arse end of commercial vehicles.

Love locks in Cologne

02 Sep 2024 2 2 13
I was told that this bridge, a post-WW2 railway bridge across the Rhine River in Cologne, is built sturdily enough to stand the accumulated weight of the tens of thousands of love locks, and that the city has no plans to remove them.

60 items in total