Justfolk's photos

Our neighbourhood robin

05 May 2024 1 20
Well, really, it is one of the two neigbourhood robins.

Mr Downy

04 May 2024 1 31
Mr Downy is around today. And, like Ms Downy yesterday, he's not particularly spooked by me. He was taking sunflower seeds to the tree, just as she was yesterday.

Mr Purple

03 May 2024 2 29
Mr Purple Finch outside my kitchen door this grey morning.

Ms Downy

02 May 2024 2 45
This Downy woodpecker has been visiting us for a few minutes at a time the past couple of days. She keeps checking out the sunflower seeds on offer, taking one off to a tree, and then coming back. Until she gets bored with the offering.

Dull day for Maybushes

01 May 2024 47
It was a wet and dark day today as I drove around the usual places looking for Maybushes. I found only two though I later heard there were a couple more.

Crow 1, Robin 0

30 Apr 2024 2 2 32
This big loss for a robin was a small gain for a crow. Bigger gain, I suppose, if it was a starling that ate this egg. This was by the sidewalk, fifty metres down the street from our door ths afternoon.

Dull day, truck's arse

29 Apr 2024 2 1 69
I should not have been trying to get a picture while driving. But we were going pretty slowly. And I do like trucks' arses.

Dull day

28 Apr 2024 4 4 27
Dull day, rough pigeon.

Talking back

28 Apr 2024 22
All hands are testy in this weather. You can see, by the way, how much bigger a purple finch (left, a female) is than a goldfinch (right, a male).

The purps are back

27 Apr 2024 1 16
Well, they never really disappeared. But some weeks there are more than others. This week we've seen a little flock of three females (or immatures) plus one male. Here, the male and one of the females are sitting, waiting for a good spot at the feeder.

Another one of those white-winged crossbills

26 Apr 2024 2 22
This is another one of those white-winged crossbills I saw today, this one a female.

Eating juniper seeds

26 Apr 2024 3 2 25
We were walking around a local park today and kept walking through little flocks of these white-winged crossbills. Maybe the same flock over and over. They were all making meals of the cone crop of junipers. Yes, junipers. You probably call them something else: larch, or hackmatack. Or something else. I grew up calling them junipers. And fifty-odd years ago when Donovan Leitch sang about his girlfriend Jenny, this was the tree I thought of. Without the bird.

Warm enough for the big guys

25 Apr 2024 3 2 29
It briefly got as high as eleven degrees (uhh, about 53 F) today. The sun, out for a little while, made that temperature seem higher. And the flies knew it. This one was crawling around outside the kitchen-door window. He seemed to be as large as houseflies get. I didn't dare open the door for fear of seeming to invite him in.

Chopt leeks

23 Apr 2024 2 35
I was halfway through chopping some leeks to add to the chickpea mix I was making.

Start howling

21 Apr 2024 3 2 33
This was last night when the moon was 96% illuminated. It's *really* full early tomorrow morning. But you can howl whenever you like.

Goldiboyos brightening and a goldigirly hanging ou…

19 Apr 2024 3 2 41
The goldfinches are in full spring regalia now on our clothesline. the weather is not much to speak of but their spring voices are loud.

Supermarket reimagined

18 Apr 2024 2 60
Sixty or seventy years ago this was built as a one-storey supermarket. Now it has been rebuilt as a condominium apartment building. Fuji 200 film in Rollei 35TE

Jack and Colleen coming down the hill

18 Apr 2024 1 28
I've known Jack and Colleen 45 and 55 years respectively. Maybe longer. A month ago, we had arranged to meet at a restaurant at the bottom of this hill. We and they arrived at the same time: I had just parked the car when they came strolling down the hill. I had my little Rollei 35TE in hand and loaded with some Fuji 200 film. So I took their picture.

2447 items in total