╰☆☆June☆☆╮'s photos

Walk on the wild side..

14 Mar 2021 32 18 145
On the dog walk in the woods, some time ago.

Philadelphus mock orange

14 Mar 2021 34 25 185
On Explore...thank you.. In my garden, last year.


17 Oct 2011 35 23 227
On Explore...thank you. Old Boats...poem by Theodosia Garrison I saw the old sea captain in his city daughter's house, Shaved till his chin was pink, and brushed till his hair was flat, In a broadcloth suit and varnished boots and a collar up to his ears. (I'd seen him last with a slicker on and a tied down oilskin hat.) And it happened that I went home last June, and saw in Mallory's yard The old red dory that sprung a leak a couple of years ago, Dragged out of good salt water and braced to stand in the grass And be filled with dirt from stem to stern, where posies and such could grow. Painted to beat the band, with vines strung over the sides And red geraniums in the bow,— a boat that was built for water Made into a flower garden. I looked, but I didn't laugh, For I thought of the old sea captain living in town with his daughter.

Happy International Women's Day

08 Mar 2021 37 22 210
On Explore...thank you For all the Ipernity ladies....

Still in lockdown :-(

26 Feb 2021 39 26 203
Have a great weekend everyone, and stay safe and well .

More Helibores ;-)

Let us out..... Spring has arrived !!!

27 Feb 2021 32 15 189
On explore, thank you..

Master of camoflauge ;-)

07 Feb 2021 32 21 174
This was a distant snap with my phone, could not get any closer as I had the dog with me. See the note for the hidden creature !!!

Will the rain ever stop ;-)

24 Feb 2021 40 29 233
On Explore...thank you.

Flower art

19 Feb 2021 38 27 197
Another lock down doodle. Original in PIP

Helibore Art

19 Feb 2021 49 36 272
On Explore...thank you. In my garden

Spring is just around the corner

11 Feb 2021 32 19 150
On Explore...thank you Whilst we have snow and ice outside, I have a little glimmer of spring inside. Nothing in my garden yet, but these are indoors in a pot :-)

The former County Hall, London

Give peace a chance......

07 Feb 2021 29 21 246
On Explore...thank you Texture from Photo Director Peace Lily is my pot plant :-) Ken Lazurus singing Give peace a chance youtu.be/vgxEpARhVLc

Painted lady ;-)

03 Feb 2021 30 27 148
On Explore....thank you

2172 photos in total