sca garb 012

SCA Garb


07 Jul 2013 2 562
My latest piece of garb. This is a coat and trousers done in the Turkish style - which was also popular in Italy- during the 16th Century. I still need to hem the coat and add buttons but it's almost done.

sca garb 012

24 Jul 2010 135
Late 1550's Venetian style bodice. I'm working on this gown and hope to have it done by tomorrow. I'm adding the silver/gray trim in the photo to go around the bodice. After that, I'll add the skirt and then I can start on the lacing rings....

sca garb 014

24 Jul 2010 144
Late 16th century styled "Spanish" surcote. The picture is terrible but the coat is modeled after the ones said to be worn in Naples, Italy in the 1580's into the early 17th century. It has hanging sleeves and is pleated in the back. This is a side view of the coat which is impossible to photograph at midnight. :-)


10 Oct 2011 224
My nephew's Turkish garb!

Turkish Coat Mom 007

Turkish Coat Mom 010

Jan 06 2008 001

06 Jan 2008 255
Mid 16th c gown in full view. The skirt is open at the front but it's hard to see in this photo. I'm going to wear it with a red velvet forepart.

viking dress

10 Nov 2007 285
This is what happens when I try to play early period stuff. The picture of me is horrible because this was taken at about 10:30 at night and I was tired. The dress still looks okay though.

MDRF 2007 010

Italian 022

02 Mar 2008 422
Front of gown on the dress dummy


01 Nov 2006 261
This is my brother Joey trying on his Viking outfit. It's not perfect by a long stretch but it works. The tunic is out of red linen and the pants are out of a lightweight black wool.


31 Jul 2008 279
I tried to pin the sleeve correctly prior to beading it. The pinning just didn't work out because the pins kept slipping. However, I think you can get a good idea of how it should look.

dress 015

dress 005

Sissy 017

22 Jun 2008 249
Mom's 16th c kirtle with hand sewn neckline and eyelets for lacing. I made this in blue cotton for two reasons; I live in Atlantia (SCA) and the cotton was a cheap fabric I had lying around that I wouldn't cry if I messed up horribly with it. The second reason was the overwhelmingly bigger reason for making this out of cotton first. I wanted to see if the kirtle would fit her and if she liked it. I really didn't want to waste perfectly good linen on a "test" dress but I did want something that she could wear if she did like it.

Ginsie 008

18 Oct 2008 278
My pup, Miss Ginsie, wearing her Norse dress for a day of re-enacting.

12th night 008

12 Jan 2009 190
This is the overdress. I really really love the skirt on it. It's so much fun to twirl in.

12th night 006

12 Jan 2009 164
This is the undergown for my 1490's Italian outfit. I honestly like the undergown more than the overdress because it just looks good on anything or anyone.

53 items in total