etd 094

Epic Titanic Dinner

Folder: Costuming Events
Photos from the april 7th, 2012 Titanic Dinner party

07 Apr 2012

133 visits

etd 094

After party shoe shot! I have no idea why my shoe, the blue one, is on the side and not directly below me.

07 Apr 2012

137 visits

etd 085

07 Apr 2012

137 visits

etd 081

Chocolate cigars!!!!!

07 Apr 2012

198 visits

etd 076

Stuffed dates, cheese, honey, and yummies!

07 Apr 2012

188 visits

etd 075

07 Apr 2012

145 visits

etd 070

07 Apr 2012

148 visits

etd 069

07 Apr 2012

148 visits

etd 068

Titanic shaped ice cubes!!! EPIC!!!!

07 Apr 2012

127 visits

etd 066

32 items in total