
18th century stays

I was extremely lucky and managed to get not one, but two stays off of eBay. They both appear to be 18th c but I think one is much older than the other and later redesigned.


06 May 2010 278
Inside of the green stays.


06 May 2010 270
Right inside.


06 May 2010 258
Left inside. You can see the stitches where someone added the belt later.


06 May 2010 279
Embroidered right side flap of the green stays.


06 May 2010 266
Left front of the stays. Someone, much later, sewed the front "belt" down. I really don't think it was meant to be like that since it looks like it was supposed to lace up, have an embroidered flap go from the right side, crossing to the left to cover the lacing. Then, it looks like, someone didn't like the idea of using pins and used a "belt" to keep the flap in place. Someone else, later, didn't like that or didn't understand the purpose and sewed the belt down.


06 May 2010 278
Back of the green stays.


06 May 2010 275
More of the back tabs.


06 May 2010 298
This really makes me think the "inner" part of the stays are much older than the facing or that the stays were reworked at a later date. The two inner back tabs are covered in suede and the two outer are in the same red linen (?) as the front inner section of the stays.


06 May 2010 279
On the back of the stays, the red ribbon is slowing coming off. You can easily see the green silk ribbon beneath it. I'm not sure if it's contemporary to the red or if it's older.


06 May 2010 289
The right front of the green stays. You can see the original red front, the inner linen lining and a bit of the green facing.


06 May 2010 255
The very top right edge of the green stays. I wanted to show that the green brocade facing and the linen inside are only "covers" for a red and natural linen "inner" part of the stays. I think the red stays are actually much older, cut down, and the covers were made to make them look "pretty".



06 May 2010 284
Inside of the Regency stays. I'm thinking 1790's.


06 May 2010 251
The ruler and my thumb for some scale of the hip pad.


06 May 2010 270
I wanted to get a good picture of the "stuffing" for the hip pads. It wouldn't come out nicely so this is as much as I could see.


06 May 2010 260
Right inside view of the stays. You can see the eyelets and the flap that is supposed to close over the lacing.


06 May 2010 340
Stays laid flat. The "string" is the original lacing for the stays.


06 May 2010 268
Front flap of the stays with decorative stitching

44 items in total