Ireland 001

Ireland 2012

Ireland 109

Ireland 110

03 Sep 2012 77
The horse and buggy that took us from the Guinness Brewery to our hotel.

Ireland 111

03 Sep 2012 65
This is part of the lobby of the Trinity Capital Hotel.

Ireland 112

Ireland 113

Ireland 114

Ireland 115

Ireland 116

Ireland 117

Ireland 118

03 Sep 2012 49
Trinity Capital Hotel has purple doors with pink walls. :-) This makes me happy.

Ireland 119

Ireland 120

Ireland 121

03 Sep 2012 71
The view from my hotel window. I over look the firehouse! Doing a drill!

Ireland 122

Ireland 123

03 Sep 2012 64
Peeping Tom Firemen? ;-) They were swinging the ladder back into position so that it could be lowered correctly.

Ireland 124

Ireland 125

Ireland 126

1203 items in total