new cyanotype 2-18-16 Dogwood

Pictures in Blue

19 Feb 2016

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994 visits

new cyanotype 2-18-16 Dogwood

Exposed with Deardorff 4x5 Special w/5x7" back.120mm lens, Y6 yellow filter. V500 scan (800 dpi) of a 5x7inch "new"cyanotype print. FP4+ - Xtol 1+0@80F. Stonehenge 110lb paper; pretreated to neutralize the Ca Carbonate buffer.

30 Jan 2016

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659 visits

new cyanotype 1-31-16

Exposed with Deardorff 4x5 Special w/5x7" back.120mm lens, Y6 yellow filter. V500 scan (800 dpi) of a 5x7inch "new"cyanotype print. FP4+ - Xtol 1+0@80F. Stonehenge 110lb paper; pretreated to neutralize the Ca Carbonate buffer. This was my Fathers house; he passed away here in 2009.

10 Feb 2016

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494 visits

new cyanotpe 01-18-16 (1)

Exposed with Deardorff 4x5 Special w/5x7" back.120mm lens, Y6 yellow filter. V500 scan (720 dpi) of a 5x7inch cyanotype print. FP4+ - Xtol 1+0; Made my first cyanotypes today.

10 Feb 2016

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616 visits

new cyanotype 2-29-16 Cook shed

Exposed with Deardorff 4x5 Special w/5x7" back.120mm lens, Y6 yellow filter. V500 scan (800 dpi) of a 5x7inch "new"cyanotype print. FP4+ - Xtol 1+0@80F. Stonehenge 110lb paper; pretreated to neutralize the Ca Carbonate buffer.

12 Mar 2016

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1 192 visits

Watauga Point (5) - "new" cyanotype March-12-16

Exposed with Deardorff 4x5 Special w/5x7" back.210mm lens, Y6 yellow filter. V500 scan (800 dpi) of a 5x7inch "new"cyanotype print. Delta 100 - Xtol 1+0@80F. Arches platine 300gsm paper. Printed with my new UV exposure unit on 04-05-16.

29 Apr 2016

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642 visits

Fence - Tree - April -14-2016

Exposed with Deardorff 4x5 Special w/5x7" back.120mm lens, Y6 yellow filter. V500 scan (800 dpi) of a 5x7inch "new"cyanotype print. FP4+w/ D76+0@80F. Arches platine 300gsm paper. Printed with my new UV exposure unit on 04-26-16.

16 Jul 2016

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909 visits

new cyanotype 1-24-16

Exposed with Deardorff 4x5 Special w/5x7" back.120mm lens, Y6 yellow filter. V500 scan (720 dpi) of a 5x7inch "new" cyanotype print. FP4+ - Xtol 1+0@80F; Stonehenge 110lb paper; pretreated to neutralize the Ca Carbonate buffer. This is my second attempt at a designated cyanotype negative.

10 Jul 2017

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685 visits

July 4, 17 horse house

In camera negative (5x7 inch) exposed July 4, 17. Cyanotype on Arches platine paper.

12 Aug 2017

2 favorites

685 visits

Oakleaf Hydrangea 'Snowflake'

From 5x7 B&W analog negative; exposed and developed Aug. 10, 17 ; printed Aug. 11, 17. Sensitizer is a mixture of 50/50 "classic" and "Ware's" formulas. Making pictures out in the yard.....
11 items in total