Datura Plants

My Neighbourhood

18 Aug 2013

184 visits

Datura Plants

They are popping up everywhere in my neighbourhood. Poisonous plant!

14 Jul 2013

1 favorite

163 visits

Splendor In The Grass

Took Shizandra out for ball at the park and she is laying on the cool grass catching her breath, she's very pooped!

09 Jul 2013

1 favorite

151 visits

Rainbow Dandi

Ready to set sail and start over.

29 Jun 2013

134 visits

Green & Brown

29 Jun 2013

1 favorite

165 visits

Joggin Through The 4th Dimension

This couple was jogging through our neighbourhood and I decided to add some zest to their step!

23 Jun 2013

2 favorites

265 visits

My Favourite Tree

22 Jun 2013

1 comment

168 visits

Neighbour's Lavender Door

22 Jun 2013

156 visits

Neighbour's Wooden Door

22 Jun 2013

138 visits

Puppy Love

Shizandra and Me at the park sharing a moment together
30 items in total