Joel Dinda's photos

Mulliken Sunset

19 Oct 2003 116
A couple miles east of my home.

Basement Bikeshop

Perfect Sky

19 Oct 2003 162
Still another pic from Sunday's visit to the Bennett farm. It was a great day.


19 Oct 2003 107
Another picture I took last Sunday. This structure is on the Bennett place, behind the house.

Fayette Store & Opera House

01 Jun 1998 58
Another Upper Peninsula State Park. Fayette's Michigan's best ghost town; just an incredibly photogenic place, built around a reasonably intact charcoal blast furnace complex. Photo taken in June of 1998. The stone building in the foreground is the ruin of the company store and warehouse. The wooden structure served, among other things, as town hall and opera house. Camera: Nikon N90s


03 Apr 2005 115
I start looking for Crocuses in late February. While we've had them as early as February 26, this year we had our first open flower on March 26. Welcome! Glad to see you! Bring your friends!

Ducks on the Pond, Meijer Gardens

01 Jan 1997 119
Camera: Chinon Genesis III Ducks, on the pond at Meijer Gardens, on a grey day in 1997.

Waiting for a Plane

15 Dec 1971 1 226
All dressed up; no place to go.... Leaving Nam, 1971: A bunch of strangers, and a few friends, waiting for the Freedom Bird to take us home to the States. In my experience, Cam Ranh Bay was sand, cheap shacks, and lots of G.I.s. My Vietnam near-year started at Cam Ranh on January 30; it ended at the same post on December 15. One of my very favorite pictures. Camera: Minolta SR-T 101. Updated to newer scan 11/27/05. Unfortunately, both the only existing print and the negative are damaged beyond my ability to fully repair them. Added to Cream of the Crop as my (current) personal favorite picture 1/8/06. Explored #22 (7/23/2007) on Flickr. Thanks, everyone!

Mom's Lighthouse Wall

19 Jan 2003 72
Mom--Hattie Dinda--liked lighthouse pictures. I was trying to capture a sense of the large, open room at the heart of Mom's house. The light was perfect....

7497 photos in total