Sprau Tower

A Walk Around Western Michigan University

Kalamazoo, Michigan.

I attended classes at Western, off an on, for several years. though I returned to Macalester College to complete my BA. On the whole it was a good experience.

Four decades later, the campus has changed. Of course.

11 Sep 2014

211 visits

Sprau Tower

When I was attending Western Michigan University these buildings were new and the school wanted everyone to think the west campus looked like this. These days, not so much....

11 Sep 2014

200 visits

Waldo Library

Waldo used to be a big green box.... Visited the WMU campus today intending to get a photo of this building. But not this photo. I rather like this view, though.

11 Sep 2014

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183 visits

Chemistry Building

Most of Western's buildings have names; this one, just a description.

11 Sep 2014

174 visits

Three Figures

By Carol Harrison, in front of the Dalton Center (the fine arts building) at Western Michigan University. This was the only sculpture I saw yesterday I'd seen before, as it's been a campus fixture for decades.

11 Sep 2014

166 visits


On the Campus of Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo. I can find neither the name nor the artist, but it's quite a striking work--and a remarkable piece of engineering.

11 Sep 2014

158 visits

Wonder Wood

By Charlie Brouwer, on the campus of Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo. This is a delightful work; photographs really cannot do it justice.

11 Sep 2014

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152 visits

The Professor

By Dennis Smith, in front of the Chemistry Building at Western Michigan University. My favorite of the sculptures I encountered in my little walk around the campus. Much to my surprise, several students went out of their way to avoid interfering while I was setting up this photo. I've grown quite accustomed to folks just walking through my frame....